Wk 1 and 2 Letters
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- Wk 1 and 2 Letters
Lesson 1 Evacuees in WW2 How We Used to Live 1936 1953 05 Goodnight Children Everywhere
Evacuees in WW2 audio file links
Letters in the role of an evacuee in WW2
- Lesson 1 Gathering information from video.doc
- Lesson 2 Evacuee worksheet.doc
- Lesson 2 Gathering information from sources.doc
- Lesson2 Evacuees letters.pdf
- Lesson2 Presentation-Workshop.pptx
- Lesson 3 annoate letter features.doc
- Lesson 3 informal-Letter-Checklist-KS2.docx
- Lesson 3 NOT ANNOTATED Potato famine.pdf
- Lesson 4 informal and formal language.ppt
- Lesson3 ANNOTATED Potato famine.pdf
- Lesson 4 Planning a letter in 1st person.doc
- Lesson 5 Planning template1.docx
- Lesson 5 Planning template2.docx