Foundation Subjects
In our first history lesson we looked at when & a brief start on what happened during the ‘Stone Age’. We then visited our whole school timeline to get an idea of how long ago the Stone Age period was and that it is a period of ‘Prehistory’. We discussed the 3 periods that the Stone Age were broken down into ‘Palaeolithic’, ‘Mesolithic’ & then the ‘Neolithic’ then leading onto the Bronze Age. Children used the correct vocabulary - chronology, era, period, BC(BCE) AD (CE). We wrote down the years of each period but then to appreciate how long the ‘Stone Age’ lasted and how long ago it was we decided to use tissue paper and go out in the playground to show this! Back in the classroom children ordered a specific Stone Age Timeline with key events!

Take a look at our classroom display... we have recreated the opening of a cave, Stone Age weapons, tools, cave paintings, fire & even a fur pelt to keep us warm!!

In this lesson we looked at how daily life has changed from the ‘Palaeolithic’ to the ‘Mesolithic’ we looked at things that stayed the same (continuity) and what things changed; looking at homes/shelters, hunting, tools, clothes, how they found food etc.
Green 2 become archaeologists! It was great to see the children discovering Stone Age tools, and use the skills of an archaeologist! The children then used their prior knowledge to help them interpret what the tools would have been used for, what did they look like & even placed them on a timeline to show which period they thought they were from.

Geography - Spring 2
In our first lesson of Geography we built on our prior knowledge; we used an atlas/Google Earth to locate - Europe, UK, North Sea & the English Channel. We then took our skills further and used ‘Digimapping’ to locate where Doggerland would have been. We discussed how land mass has changed over time & why.

Rocks & Soils - we kicked off our 1st science lesson with an excellent discussion on where we think rocks are found, how they are formed, different types of rock (thanks to Minecraft 🙂) & a few of their properties. Linking back to our last topic when we organised and sorted animals in to different groupings, we tried this making our own ways to sort rocks. We got to look and feel different rocks 🪨 in the process!

Another super science lesson this week... We carried out a science investigation to look at the durability, strength & if a rock was permeable or impermeable. This helped the children to be able to conclude which type of rock would be the best for a roof, skate ramp and a kitchen worktop! We had posters around the room to help us identify what types of rocks we were working with. The children had remembered key vocabulary and could identify the properties of different rocks.
How are rocks formed, we learnt about the 3 rock types ‘Igneous’, ‘Sedimentary’ & ‘Metamorphic’ we also looked at how the ‘Rock Cycle’ works. Amazing to see the children writing their own explanations using the scientific vocabulary! 🪨

We explained & used diagrams to show how the earth is made up of different layers and different types of rocks and soils

We tested how permeable 3 different types of soils were, after looking at the layers of the earth. To do this we carried out an investigation and timed how long it would take for water to pass through the sandy, clay & rocky soil, on top of filter paper. We discussed how we would make it a fair test, predictions & then followed with our conclusion. Some great investigators!

In this lesson we created a ‘mold fossil’ this is where you can see the bones, shape, or parts of an animal's body or plant. We used shells to make an imprint in salt dough to show this. Did you also know that trace fossils are where you see the tracks, footprints, or even poop of an animal, and mummified animals which can help scientists learn about how animals lived. We were lucky enough to see some real fossilised poo in the museum at Creswell Crags!

In Spring 2 our unit changed to sound... one of our experiments was testing whether the amount of water in the bottle altered the pitch of the noise made when blown into the bottle!
This classic experiment shows how sound vibrates to travel by using the string we could see the tighter the string was the easier the sound could travel through the vibrations of the string.
Investigating what materials would be the best to use for soundproofing - we used a decibel meter to see which materials concealed the noise the best!

We have started our gymnastics PE lessons with Mrs P - some great shapes, form & balance already being shown 😃

Some more amazing examples of stag jumps, cat leaps, star jumps, straddles & cabriolet jumps!!

More gymnastics and we are now moving on from flight to balance and shape on low apparatus.

Swinging into the Spring Term! 2 of Green 2’s pupil were part of a group who went to partake in a gymnastics morning, as part of Bassetlaw School Games with other primary schools in Bassetlaw!
Curling action! Green 2 have loved doing this and been working hard on their technique. We have even competed against each other playing some curling 🥌 competitions

Team building activities - Teamwork - Communication - Resilience

Goal Ball - great to see the school games values being demonstrated... resilience & teamwork!

PE - Spring 2
For our 2nd PE in Spring 2 we are doing netball; we are starting to practice and build up our passing, shooting & defending techniques.

PE with Mrs P - in spring 2 our PE with Mrs Paton is ‘Pop Lacrosse’ we practiced how to throw the ball!
In our first art lesson we looked at some example of prehistoric art and discussed where they found the art, what materials they would have used to make these drawings/paintings, and thinking about why the drawings looked the way they did. We explored different sketching tones and had a go at making our own hand print.

The 2nd art lesson involved us using a natural resource ‘charcoal’ to make ‘line drawings’ creating hunter gathers on the hunt for new meat! It was a skill knowing how much pressure to apply to the charcoal and to make an accurate representation of the animals and people.

In this art lesson we used different natural materials around us to create ‘cave art’ using berries, ochre, charcoal, grass & mud!