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Welcome to week two of learning how to write our very own Non-chronological report about Skara Brae, an ancient Neolithic village found in Orkney, Scotland.

Tuesday's Lesson

Follow the video to use the resource in order to write your very own introductory paragraph for your Skara Brae fact file. Remember to take a photograph of your work and send it to me to take a look at how brilliant your questions are!

Y34 - Writing an introductory paragraph

Use this to support your learning.


This week we are learning all about measuring perimeter and area. Today we will start learning about how to measure the perimeter of a 2D shape. 

Follow the video to help with today's activity. Don't forget to upload a photo of your child's learning to Dojo, or return the work to school. We can't wait to see it!

Y34 Perimeter Tuesday


Thinking back to a few weeks ago we looked at the layers of the earth. This week we are looking at the very top layer - soil.

We would like you to go outside and dig a soil sample. If possible include some rotting vegetation and a creature or two! Talk about what you can see in the soil. Can children spot small pieces of rock – are they all the same? 

We would like you to replicate what is in your pot in the cocktail glass on the worksheet and annotate it with all the items you have found within your soil sample. Please send photos of your soil sample, we would love to see the variations.

