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Autumn 2 - Great Fire of London

The children are continuing to explore their topic of the GFOL this half term. Last half term they looked at what London looked like in 1666, what caused the fire and how they battled against it. This half term they will find out how the fire was stopped and the aftermath of the fire. 



We have been learning about Wassily Kandinsky in our Art lessons. This lesson we were focusing on shapes and lines, using these to make our own abstract artwork. 



We looked at our feelings and the feeling of others. We then used role play to act out scenarios in pairs, responding to the feelings of others.



 We have been writing a character description for Toby who is the main character of our story “Toby and The Great Fire of London”. 



In maths, the children have been adding and subtracting across a 10. This lesson they were using 10 frames to first add to the ten, before crossing over. 



This lesson was a grammar focus in conjunctions. The children worked in pairs to read to clauses and join them together by adding in a conjunction. They had to be careful to use an appropriate conjunction so that their sentences made sense. 

Fire Service Visit


The fire service came in to talk to the children all about their job. They first talked to us about what London had in 1666 to help fight fires. They also talked about equipment they had to help them. They then compared this to what we have now. We then were able to look at a fire engine and all its equipment. We even got to sit inside! 
