Blue 5 - Mrs Grayson & Mr Cordall
Things to know
- PE lessons are on ?? and ??. Please ensure you child wears the new PE kit in all the PE lessons. This includes appropriate footwear and black tracksuit bottoms/shorts.
- Children will be given their homework book on a Friday and are expected to return it by the following Wednesday. Homework choices can be found in the topic pages.
- Reading diaries are provided and we request that parents and pupils work together to keep a log of reading at home. Children need to be reading as regularly as possible.
- Children should also complete quizzes on My On or Accelerated Reader after finishing a book.
- Each child is regularly tested on their comprehension skills and is then allocated a number band to choose from.
- Please provide your child with a water bottle each day. They can also bring a healthy snack to eat at breaktimes.
- We encourage weekly spelling and times table practice at home to support assessments.
- Leading up to SATS's (Year 6) there will be more of a focus on key skills and homework will SAT style Maths, GPS questions. UKS2 spellings and reading comprehension.