Trampolining workshop
Monday4th December
Today we were invited to take 6 of our pupils to a trampolining workshop at Retford Oaks. They were introduced to some basic trampolining skills and shapes and then allowed to have a go themselves.
All our pupils had a great time and enjoyed trying out the new skills, jumps, flips and turns.
Jingle Jog 2023
This year we were once again invited to take part in this amazing event organised by all the area SGO team. This year we took Green 5 and some very excited year 3 children. They all managed to run, jog and walk around the 3 km course and there were loads of happy smiling faces along the way.
Schools Orienteering competition at Worksop College
Friday 17th November
Once again we took 6 pairs of year 5&6 students to this event. Each pair had 20 minutes to find their way around the course and try to get to all 20 points within that allocated time slot. Each minute they were late back meany a 5 point deduction on their score. The maximum score was 200 and then it went to who was the quickest to get that 200 points. We struggled this year and our best pair scored 160 but because they were late back they had a 55 point deduction which reduced it to 135. Therefore Cary’s and Emma had the better score of 145 even though they still had a 5 point deduction.
Year 5&6 Netball Festival
Friday 10th November
Today we took a group of Girls from years 5&6 to a netball festival at Oaks. All the girls attended netball club last term so they had a good idea of how to play the game. The festival was all outside and was based around the different skills needed to play netball. The girls spent 10 minutes at each activity station which included skills like shooting, passing, defending, catching and throwing. At the end they played some friendly games against the other schools that attended.
Girls football match V Gateford Park
Thursday 18th October
It was the Girls turn to play tonight and they all loved every minute of it. We had some playing their first ever game for school and they all did really well. It was a friendly match as both schools are in the first few weeks of training but it was also a good opportunity to look at positions.
Year 1&2 Cricket festival
Friday 13th October
On Friday we took 14 pupils to oaks to take part in a cricket festival , they took part in a variety of different activities that were all related to cricket and the skills needed for cricket 🏏.
Everyone had a great time and managed to improve their cricket skills.
Boys match V Sir Ed Hillary
Monday 16th October
Another league game tonight and unfortunately another loss for our boys team. With only 3 year 6 playing football outside of school week in and week out it’s been a hard season so far. The game started well but an absolute stunning goal put them in the lead, 2 goals later and it was 3-0 at half term.
Second half they scored another 5 and final score was 8-0 to them.
Bassetlaw Schools X country Competition
Friday 29th September
Today we took 12 pupils from years 5&6 to take part in this event. Altogether there were 11 schools that took part.
First of all the Girls got ready for their race around the course, some of them were a bit nervous but once they got started they were fine. The first girl back for our school this year was Violet Stuart in year 5. Well done Violet 👍
Once all the Girls had finally crossed the finishing line it was the turn of the boys to race.
Our first boy back was Jenson Cole who is also in year 5, well done 👍.
Boys league match V Prospect
Thursday 21st September
The Boys had their first game of the new season tonight with a new team and a few boys having their first opportunity to represent school. Although we were winning 1-0 at half time after Henri scored from a free kick we weren’t quite strong enough to hold on to the lead. The final score was 4-1 to Prospect.
Year 5&6 Gymnastics
Wednesday 19th September
Today we took 14 pupils from years 5&6 to take part in a gymnastics festival at Retford Gymnastics club. This was part of our school games program this year. It was an opportunity for our pupils to experience a fully equipped gymnastics centre with top of the range equipment. They all loved their time spent there.
Girls match V St Peter’s
Monday 10th July
Another great friendly match against a lovely school with like minded Girls and played in the right spirit.
We scored first with a great shot by Alexa after a rebound off the post. Their GK was amazing and she made loads of great saves. Ocean had her debut for the team and loved it and all the Girls were a credit to our school. St Peter’s equalised after half time and then went 2-1 up for a while. But Anna scored a really good goal, she ran from the half way line past 3 players and fired the ball into the net.
The final score was 2-2 and in my opinion a very fair result.
Netball match V North Wheatley
Thursday 6th July
While our year 6 were on transition I took the opportunity to give our younger Girls an opportunity to represent school for the first time and we played a friendly match against North Wheatley.
We took 12 Girls so played 4 lots of 10 minutes and changed players each time to make it fair. Poppy scored in the first quarter and the score remained 1-0 right up to the last 10 minute period.
They changed their shooters and he scored 4 goals against us. Tirana then got one back and then they scored again to make the final score 5-2 to them.
The Girls all played really well and enjoyed the experience.
year 3 Tennis Festival
Friday 30th June
On Friday Miss Edwards took 15 of her children to a tennis festival at Oaks. The idea was an introduction to the game with a variety of activities and skills related to 🎾 tennis. They all had a great morning and are now ready for Wimbledon.
Girls match away V Rampton
Tuesday 27th June
Well what a great end to the season for our Girls with a friendly match versus Rampton, Evie played her first match in goal and debuts for Elyse and Irene from year 5 too.
We took the lead with a lovely strike from Daijah and were playing well. Esmee and Emma were in defence and it was after a clearance from Esmee we scored a 2nd goal. Daijah ran onto the loose ball and scored her 2nd.
Then Rampton were given a penalty after a handball in the area, Evie made a great save and cleared the ball away. Rampton then scored with a great strike by their captain and Evie had no chance of saving it.
In the second half Irene scored after the keeper made a safe and the ball ⚽️ bounced towards her, she controlled it and her shot went past the goalkeeper.
Our final goal was a solo effort from Anna who ran from our penalty area past 4 of their players and fired past the keeper .
Final score was 4-1 .
Quad Kids
Thursday 22nd June
We took two teams to this event, a year 4 and a year 5 . Each team consisted of 4 boys and 4 girls and they all do 4 events each. Hence the name Quad Kids!
The events are Howler throw, standing long jump, 60m sprint and 400m run.
Charlie D won the Howler overall which was an amazing achievement.
There were 10 teams in total and our year 5 team came 🥉 3rd place and our year 6 team came 6th place.
Well done team Sparken 👍
Cricket Competition
Wednesday 21st June
We took one team to this event at Bridon CC and organised by Notts CC as part of the Dynamos cricket 🏏 competition.
We won our first game V Gateford and 2nd V Langold which put us into the semifinals V Norbridge. We lost this and then went into the 3rd and 4th place play off V Priory. We ended up coming 4th place which for our very first time was a superb effort. Well done Boys we are very proud of you 👍.
Tuesday 13th June
Year 4 Boys Football Team V Prospect
Tonight after school it was the turn of our year 4 Boys to represent us in a great match V Prospect Hill.
it was a well contested game but in the end Prospect were a little bit stronger than our boys, the final score was 4-1.
Bassetlaw Schools Orienteering Competition
Friday 9th June 2023
Today we took 6 teams to this competition at Ranby House. Each team consisted of 2 and they had to be able to read a map and work their round the course within 20 minutes. There were 20 markers altogether and each was worth 10 points. The most points you could score were 200 but then it went on who got round the course in the quickest time. We are still waiting for the official results but at the minute we have 3 pairs in the top ten.
Girls cricket competition
Wednesday 17th May
Today Mr Johnson took 8 Girls from year 5&6 to take part in the Notts County Cricket competition at Blyth Cricket Club. The Girls were a bit nervous as some of them had never played a match before. But after some bowling and fielding practice they soon found their rhythm.
It was similar to Kwik Cricket 🏏, bat in pairs, everyone bowls and keeps wicket and rotate after every over.
The weather helped and the Girls had a great day.
Girls Friendly netball match V Gateford Park
Wednesday 17th May
Tonight we welcomed Gateford Park School to play a friendly netball match whilst their boys team played football on our pitch.
Their team was a lot younger than ours so we decided to split our year 6 girls into Two teams and only 1 played at a time.
All the Girls that attend the after school club played which was brilliant.
They all loved it and are improving every week.
Semifinal cup match V Redlands
Tuesday 26th May
Wow! What a game that was tonight. Nail biting end to end Football with all to play for. We took the lead after a break from Alfie on the left, he whizzed past their defenders and his shot went wide of the keeper.
Redlands then equalised just before half time to make it 1-1.
second half we pushed in front again after some quick thinking from a corner and a flick over the goalies head by Jakub Chudy.
Redlands then had a good spell and Josh Amft made some absolutely superb saves in goal but eventually he was beaten by a superb strike from Redlands. 2-2 now and a great game.
From a corner kick the Redlands keeper knocked it behind him and the defender raised his hands to knock it out, the penalty was taken by Alfie to make it 3-2 and only 10 minutes to play.
Redlands didn’t give up and pulled it back to 3-3 and then with 1 minute to go they broke free from a lost ball in midfield and two passes later the shot left keeper Josh no chance .
final score as 4-3 win to Redlands.
The boys were absolutely heart broken but had played well and given their all.
Send Festival
Tuesday 16th May
Today we were invited to bring 8 pupils to a special SEND festival at Retford Oaks.
They took part in 8 different sporting activities which included Archery, cricket, table top games, Boccia and dodge ball. Everyone had a great time and got really involved.
Year 3&4 football festival
Friday 12th May
Today it was the turn of year 3&4 to attend a football festival at Retford Oaks, this was aimed at Boys that don’t regularly play for a team and are wanting to try skills and drills for the first time. They took part in various football activities and learned some new skills along the way.
Year 3 & 4 Handball festival
Thursday 4th May
So today it was the turn of the year 3 pupils to take part in a Hand Ball festival at Oaks. We took 12 pupils and each of them loved every minute of it. They took part in a variety of activities all using skills and tactics that might be used in a game. Jumping and throwing a ball at a target, throwing and catching, defending and attacking.
Year 5&6 Girls football festival
Friday 28th April
Today was the turn of the Girls to attend a football festival at Oaks, the idea of this is to try and engage more girls in football and it was a great success.
Our Girls loved it and took part in a variety of activities all related to skills needed in football.

Year 3 Football match V St Anne’s
Friday 21st April
Today our year 3had an opportunity to represent school in a friendly match V St Anne’s. It was the visitors that took the lead with a stunning shot that Stanley our Goalie had no chance of saving. Our boys were starting to gel and play well together and after a great team goal of 4 passes it was Archie that scored to level the score. Then Freddy ( who normally plays in goal) collected the ball from a throw in and struck it beautifully and hit the top bin. Jasper made some great passes on the left and set up our 3rd goal for Archie. Half time was 3-1 to Sparken Hill.
The 2nd half started well with another goal from Archie to complete his hat trick and then St Anne’s found their shape and form and scored a quick 2 goals to bring the score line back to 4-3 , it was a nail biting last few minutes but our boys defended brilliantly to secure the win. Well done boys 👍⚽️👍
Year 5 Dodgeball festival
Thursday 20 th April.
Year 5 had a great time today at the Dodge Ball festival, they learnt new skills and drills and played some games.
Girls football match V St Anne’s
Tuesday 18th April
The Girls had their first match of the new season today. End to end play from both teams and St Anne’s came out on top with a 1-0 win.
Year 3&4 Rugby Mega Fest
Thursday 30th March
Another excellent festival organised by our SGO Kate, we really are very fortunate to have such an enthusiastic SGO here in Bassetlaw.
This was for year 4 today and based on different activities to do with Tag 🏉 Rugby. There were 9 altogether, catching, throwing, kicking, dodging to name a few. TheSports leaders were really good with our pupils and a lot of new skills were taught. Thanks Oaks 👍
Girls Netball match V St Johns
Wednesday 29th March
What a great way to end this terms netball club with a friendly match V St Johns here at school. We played 4 x 10 minute quarters. After the first quarter it was 2-0 to SHA with both goals coming from Anna. Then we swapped around and Poppy scored another 3 making it 5-0 at half time.
Natalia and Evie then had a go at shooting but neither could score and the 3rd quarter was 0-0.
In the final quarter we scored 3 more to make the final score 8-0 to SHA.
Tia was amazing in centre and as captain she encouraged and worked well with the team.
well done Girls a great match played in the right spirit.
Boys match V St Augustine’s
Thursday 23rd March
What a difference a few days can make, the boys were back on form today and had so many chances to score in the first half. Henri was back in defence and he commanded the back line with military precision.
Ollie S had chance after chance but couldn’t convert and eventually it was Harry E that broke the deadlock on his debut for the team.
The two wingers Alfie and Harvey also got on the score sheet and played incredibly well running rings round the St Augustine’s defenders.
well done Boys a really well deserved win today.
Boys match V Ordsall
The boys played yet another league game after school today. A lot better than last week and against the league leaders who have not lost all season. They played a lot better today and although they lost it was only by the 1 goal and was a close game. Well done 👏
Trampolining festival
21st March
We took a few of our pupils from years 5&6 to this event at Retford Oaks today. It was shame we couldn’t take more but the criteria from Kate was for pupils that had a flair in gymnastics and to develop that into trampolining.

Boys Match V Prospect
16th March
Boys had a home game tonight V Prospect and although they battled hard it was a heavy loss in the end. Prospect were very organised and far superior and the final score was 10-0, our boys didn’t give up throughout so a lot of credit and maturity there.
Dance Festival Performance
Thursday 9th March
Our dancers returned to Retford Oaks today after 5 weeks of rehearsal in school. The children from Green 2 had a fantastic time and loved the experience and opportunity to perform . Parents and Grandparents came to watch and the whole thing was incredibly well organised. Thank you Kate our SGO .
Boys league match V StJohns
Wow! What a game that was tonight, end to end and lots of goals. How we were not 3-0 up in the first 10 minutes I don’t know, chance after chance, great attacking football and a few good saves from St Johns keeper.
Then against the run of play we were 2-0 down but definitely not out. Our boys got it back to 2-2 at half time.
Then StJohns scored again to make it 3-2 , we equalised 3-3 then went ahead with a great strike from Harvey Lowe, winning 4-3 with 5 minutes to go, but once again after a fumbled goal kick St. John’s took advantage and 4-4.
Now with only 2 minutes left we scored again after a blunder by their defence so now it’s 5-4 in our favour, can we hold on ? No, we couldn’t , we gifted them a goal after another goal kick where we didn’t switch on, the ball landed right in front of their player who struck it perfectly past our keeper. Final score 5-5
what a cracking game to play in and watch. Thanks to staff and parents that came to support the boys, we really appreciate it. 👏
Bassetlaw Schools Mini Basketball Competition
Thursday 2nd March
Once again we entered this competition at Retford Oaks, 6 Boys and 6 Girls from year 6 representing school and 1 of them for the first time. The girls played the first half and the boys played the second half of each game.
We played incredibly well and won every match which meant we were 1st place and Gold medals.
Bassetlaw schools Boccia Competition
Thursday 23rd February
Today Mrs Potts took 4 of our pupils to the local schools Boccia competition. There were 7 matches in total and every one played really well. Ollie was an amazing captain and Mrs Potts was very impressed with their teamwork and positive attitude throughout the morning.
well done 👍 #Teamworkmakesthedreamwork
Netball match V Rampton
Thursday 8th February
Another wonderful friendly match V Rampton after school tonight. This time we played the year 3/4/5 Girls to allow them a chance to play a game. We played 3 x 20 minute thirds and all the girls had a chance to play and represent school.

Netball finals
Thursday 9th February
Today the league finals of the Bassetlaw schools netball league were played at Retford oaks. There were 8 schools involved and everyone played each other. A lot of the girls are still learning positions and it was lovely that Kate are SGO helped them out whilst umpiring. Our Girls played really well, a bit of a bumpy start with some panicking and lose passes but after that they seemed to settle down and work together.
Well done Girls 👍2 nd place overall .
Orienteering competition
Friday 27th January
We took a group of year 6 to take part in this competition today at Worksop college and organised by our SGO Kate.
Each pair had to be able to map read and then run around the course finding the 20 markers set out. Once at a marker they had to use a finger sized digital scanner to record that they had been there and the time to get there. They were only allowed 20 minutes to do this and if they came back after this time then they were penalised for every minute they were late back.
Our fastest pair back were Owen and Daniel and then Anna and Cianna.
we are still wait8ng for the final results , fingers crossed 🤞 we do ok.
KS1 cricket festival
Thursday 26th January
Massive thank you 🙏 to Notts Cricket Club and Oaks PE for hosting this festival today. Our year 1 pupils absolutely loved it and enjoyed taking part in all the different cricket based activities.
Gymnastics Festival at Retford Gymnastics Club
Wednesday 18th January 2023
Today we had the opportunity to send 15 of our year 3&4 pupils to Retford Gymnastics Club for a one off festival as part of the school games program. All the pupils chosen had previously attended our own after school clubs so they had a bit of an idea of what to expect. However I think that they were quite shocked and pleasantly surprised when they arrived and saw all the amazing apparatus and equipment. A massive thank you to Kate our SGO for organising this morning and to our pupils who absolutely loved the experience.
Dance Festival Rehearsal
Thursday 12th January 2023
TodayMiss Edwards took 15 pupils from her class to this event hosted by Retford Oaks and their dance leaders.
This years theme is Disney and our group are going to be performing a Frozen dance. The children were taught the moves by the dance leaders, they then rehearse at school and go back in a month to perform their dance at the festival with all the other schools.