FS2 Mrs Saul's Class
Welcome to F2!
Our Day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm
Our daily routines and activities:
When the children come into school they do a special morning job (name writing, number or phonics)
- Register time
- Phonics
- Literacy with child-initiated play and guided activities
- Snack Time
- Outdoor Play
- Lunch Time
- Afternoon Register
- Dough Gym
- Maths
- Mathematical child-initiated opportunities & guided tasks
- Outdoor Play & Exploration
- Story Time
- Home Time
Remarkable readers:
We use a Phonics and Reading Scheme entitled "Bug Club". Your child will be able to access physical books as well as online ones.
They will also be given phonics flashcards to start them on their reading journey and begin to word build.
PE & Music Days:
FRIDAYS are our PE Days! Please send your child in their school PE kit on this day.
We also have Music with Mr Thornton on this day too!
Wow! What a fantastic start to Reception!
We have been exploring our setting inside and out, getting used to routines and making lots of new friends!
First half term Autumn 2021

This half term we have been learning about celebrations - Birthdays, Autumn and Harvest.
We looked at what happens at Autumn time, the changes to the environment and what harvest means. We love singing our 'Red leaves falling' song! We also enjoyed exploring Pumpkins and their lifecycle! Look at our pictures below!
As part of our learning we loved sharing the stories: It's my Birthday by Helen Oxenbury, Kipper's Birthday by Mick Inkpen and The Little Red Hen.

Autumn 2 2021
Finding out about Diwali! On the 2nd November we had a special visitor called Krishna. We enjoyed dressing up, dancing to music, and looking at the hindu Gods and puppets from the Rama and Sita story.
9/11/21 This week we are learning about Poppy Day. We have made poppies using lots of different shapes & media and have talked about why we wear them.

In class we are working hard to learn and use lots of new Phase 2 phonic sounds.
Don't forget to practise your letter sounds at home (these can be found with your reading book & log, please check your child's book bag daily)

Children in Need Day 19/11/21
We are very busy at school learning new songs & actions for our Foundation Stage Nativity 'A Little Bird Told Me' the story of a brave Robin who flies south for Winter but finds a very special baby when he gets there!
22/11/21 An exciting day today! We have received a letter from Santa . We are all going to be busy writing our Christmas letters this week. 🎅
01/12/21 Walking to the Post box to post our special letters to Santa!
Spring Term 2022
Amazing animals.
This week we are reading 'The Storm Whale' by Benji Davis. The children are really enjoying sharing this story and I'm sure they'd love to share it with their grown ups at home too. If you get the chance the link is below ;-)
Summer Term
Our topic this term is 'Secret Woodland' and the Queen's 70th Jubilee
Stories we are reading this term.