To support English this week there will be daily zoom meetings. These will be used to support and guide pupils in accessing the pre-recorded videos and resources.
This week we will continue to focus on non-chronological reports. By the end of the week we will have written our own report about ‘Space Exploration.’
Today's Lesson
In today's lesson, we will be writing the 'Voyager' section of our report. Join the live zoom meeting at 9:30. There is no video today but the pdf will guide you through your writing. You will need the writing checklist, your planning sheet from last week and your introduction, Moon Landing and Space Race writing from yesterday as we will be continuing our writing from here.
Writing your Voyager Section
There will be live Maths lesson at 1.30pm on Zoom. All zoom links will be posted on class dojo so that you can log on to the lesson each day.
Today's lesson focus will be Prime Numbers. The live lesson will give examples of the questions before pupils have the opportunity to go away and answer additional questions in their own time.
For today's lesson you have a choice.
a - Access the attached questions
b - Access the LBQ questions
Prime Numbers
Wider Curriculum
This week we will be creating an island in the style of minecraft Remember to include a variety of buildings, farms, waterfalls, etc, etc. Let your imagination run wild.
If you have access to minecraft have a go at creating your island on there, screenshot it and dojo it to your teacher.