Awesome Africa
Christmas Pudding Rice Krispie Buns
Cheeky Chops Pantomime
Science: Muscles
Science: Muscles
Today we were learning all about our muscles and how they help our bodies move. We mad a model of our Biceps and Triceps to show how they contract and relax as we flex our arm.
English: Persuasive Writing
English: Persuasive Language
Over the last 2 weeks, children have been working hard to write persuasive leaflets all about Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We explored alliterations, superlatives, imperative verbs and noun phrases. Look at these fantastic examples!
Times Table Superstars
Times Table Superstars
Two more of our students have achieved their times table medals!
English: Letter Writing
English: Letter Writing
After our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, the children wrote thank you letters. We explored the features and language of a formal letter. Here are some fantastic examples!
Maths: Column Subtraction
Maths: Column Subtraction
Over the last couple of weeks the children have been working really hard to understand column subtraction and exchanging the numbers. We have used Base 10 equipment as a visual aid to represent the numbers and physically exchange between each column.
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
We had a fantastic day at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Despite the wind, we managed to see lots of different animals linked to our topic of Africa.
Harley Gallery: Illustration Workshop
Harley Gallery: Illustration Workshop
We were lucky enough to visit the Harley Gallery, where we took part in an illustration workshop. The children were able to explore the art gallery where we saw illustrations of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! After that, we went to the learning centre and had a go at our own illustrations.
English: Diaries
English: Diaries
We have been using our class text 'Akimbo' to write a diary all about trying to catch a poacher. We explored vocabulary around emotions and how they change so much throughout the day. Look at some of the fabulous work created.
Times Table Champions
Times Table Champions
Two of our classmates were awarded medals for their excellent times table knowledge.
Maths: Place Value
Maths: Place Value
The children have been using a variety of resources to explore place value. In this lesson, we worked in teams. One player wrote a three digit number and the others had to find the correct counters to make that number in a place value grid. We had great fun!
Science: Teeth
Science: Teeth
The children have be learning all about different teeth. We identified that adult humans have 32 teeth including incisors, canines, molars and wisdom teeth. We used a mirror to look at our teeth to see if we could identify them.