Week Beginning 31/1/22
Please access your child's maths work book by logging onto Active Learn -
We feel this would be a much more productive way of supporting your child to keep up, rather than catching up.
We complete 1 lesson each day. If your child is not sure where they have worked up to or need a log in reminder, please contact your child's class teacher via class dojo.
Lesson 1: Hadrian's Wall
Create a mind map with facts about Hadrian's wall.
Lesson 2: Identify the structure of the story
Read through the story of Marcus's Misfortune and identify any tricky words and look up their definition. Using the worksheet identify the structure of the story and in the boxes pick out the main ideas of the stories. You can also add in words or phrases that you feel you would like to use in your own story.
Lesson 3: Vocabulary work
Re-read the text to ensure you understand it. Then you are going to look at some of the words from the text and try to match them with their definition. Have your parent/carer take photos of you completing this task.
Lesson 4: Comprehension
Like we do in guided reading, in this lesson you are going to read and retrieve information from the text. Read through the questions carefully and write your answers in full sentences.
Lesson 5: Diary entry burst lesson
To explore a characters feelings through role play and write a diary entry as Marcus on his first night on guard duty.
Guided Reading
The Dragon of Andor- Text and questions