Daily Activities
- Log on to MyOn and read for 15mins, you can also read a book from home if you prefer. Don't forget to complete an AR Quiz when you finish your book.
- Go to TT Rockstars and practice your times tables for 15min. Why don't you challenge a friend in a competition?
- Head over to EdShed to do your spellings for the week. There are also this weeks activities to download if you wish.
To support English this week there will be daily zoom meetings. These will be used to support and guide pupils in accessing the pre-recorded videos and resources.
This week we will be focussing on descriptive writing. By Friday you will have written the opening of a story based upon a fictional event (a meteor strike) and you will have the opportunity to share your writing during Friday's zoom meeting.
Today's Lesson
In today's lesson, we will be using our vocabulary banks and our knowledge of different sentences to write the opening for a story about a meteor strike . Join the live zoom meeting at 9:30 and watch the pre-recorded lesson to guide you through the activities. Use the writing paper or type straight into Class Dojo.
There will be live Maths lesson at 1.30pm on Zoom. You will be sent an email link so that you can log on to the lesson each day. Look out for this in your inbox.
This lesson focus will look at decimals fractions. The live lesson will give examples of the questions before pupils have the opportunity to go away and answer questions in their own time. For today's lesson you have a choice.
a - Access the attached questions
b - Access the LBQ questions
Decimal Fractions Questions
Wider Curriculum
This week we will be creating an allotment in the style of minecraft Remember to include a variety of different flowers/vegetables. If you have access to minecraft have a go at creating your allotment on there, screenshot it and dojo that to your teacher.