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Girls league finals

Friday 12th July

The final event of the year on our sporting calendar. Girls football finals organised by WTFC and our SGO Kate. 

We were in pool C and won our group to go into the play offs. We were narrowly beaten in our final match so ended up in a third place play off and came away with Bronze medals. Well done Girls a great end to the season and to all the year 6 Girls I hope you continue on your football journey at secondary school. โšฝ๏ธ

Tennis festival 

Thursday 11th July

Today we took 14 pupils from year 3&4 to this event at Retford Oaks. The children in years 3&4 have been doing tennis ๐ŸŽพ for the last 5 weeks in their PE lessons and some of the children that attended this event had also attended after school tennis club. Therefore they all had a bit of practice before going and were able to hit and return a ball in a rally. 
The weather however was typical Wimbledon weather but we didn’t allow it to stop us and everyone enjoyed their morning moving around the various activities. 

Boccia County Finals 

Friday 28th June 

We qualified for this event by coming 2nd place at the Bassetlaw competition.

This event was held in Nottingham and there were 9 other school  teams competing from all the districts of Nottinghamshire. It was a little bit different to the qualifier round and took a few games to get into but after 6 games we had won 3 and lost 3. We then won the next 2 games and lost another. We ended up winning 5 out of 9 games and came 3rd place ๐Ÿฅ‰ and were presented with Bronze medals. 
As always we are incredibly proud of our team who have practiced most weeks throughout the year. 

Root 66 cricket festival 

Friday 21st June 

On Friday we took a group of pupils from years 3&4 to the Root66 festival which was held at Worksop College. During the day they played matches against other schools and also received some training from the cricket ๐Ÿ coaches at the college. 

Dynamos year 6 cricket ๐Ÿ 

Thursday 20th June 

Today we took the year 6 boys that have attended cricket club for the past 12 weeks to this event. The Dynamos competition is organised by Notts County Cricket Club and runs the same way as the year 5 and girls competition did. 
The boys bowled really well in the first game but batting was a little erratic to start with and a few wickets fell early on. 
As the day progressed we got better and ended up coming 2nd place. 
Well done boys. 

Quad Kids Competition 

Monday 17th June 

Another really well organised event at Retford Oaks today. 
we took 2 teams again this year, a year 5 team of 5 boys and 5 girls and a year 4&5 mix team of 5 boys and 5 girls. 
Each member of the team had to take part in all 4 events, they were 50 m sprint, 400m run, standing long jump and howler throw. 
scores were taken for each team at each of the 4 events and then added together for the final results. 
Our year 5 team were first place ๐Ÿฅ‡ overall and our 4&5 mix team were 2 nd place overall.  

All the pupils that took part have done a half term of athletics in PE lessons and also attended Quad Kids after school club. They have shown true commitment and determination as well as teamwork and today they were rewarded for all their hard work. 
well done team๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฅ‡๐Ÿฅˆ

Bassetlaw schools orienteering competition 

Thursday 13th June

Once again we took a team to take part in this schools competition at Ranby House. A stunning location for a really well organised event. We took 12 pupils in total, they paired up and had to locate 20 points on the map within 20 minutes. 
Each point had an electronic button attached to it and the pupils had an electronic device on their finger which they had to connect with each point to confirm they had found it. 
Each pair had a stopwatch, map, pen and clipboard and had a few minutes before their start time to work out the simplest route around the course. 
They then set off with a 2 minute gap between each pair and would be awarded 10 points for each of the points on the map that they found, however if they took longer than 20 minutes then they were deducted 5 points for every minute late back. 
Our team did incredibly well and although the final results aren’t in yet we had 4 teams getting 200 points and their times ranged from 11:57 minutes to 17:53 our other 2 teams scores were 190 as they missed a point and 175 because they missed 2 points and were 1 second late back! 
Weel done Team Sparken Hill you were amazing today. 

Eco Warriors Adventures 

Tuesday 11th June 

Today it was the Eco warrior team who went to Sherwood Pines to take part in various eco led events. 

Dynamos Cricket ๐Ÿ Tournament 

Monday 10th June 2024 

Today we took two teams to take part in this event at Blyth Cricket Club and hosted  by Notts CCC. 
Today was for Girls of any year group and Year 5 Boys and below. Each team consisted of 8 players, they have to bat in pairs for 2 overs each and see how many runs they can score. If they are bowled, caught or ran out then they are deducted 5 runs. However if the opposition bowler bowls a wide ball then the batting team are awarded 2 runs and they then have 3 seconds to have a free hit, if they score any runs from the free hit these are also added on to the batting teams score. Once all 4 pairs have batted they then have to field. Each player has to bowl one over and then they rotate around the pitch. By the end of the innings each of them will have bowled, fielded and been a wicket keeper. Both our Girls and Boys teams came 2nd ๐Ÿฅˆ place in their group. Well done ๐Ÿ‘ 


Key Stage 1 Multi Skills Festival 

24th May 

Today we hosted the Bassetlaw Schools multi skills festival. This included 12 primary schools from our area and they all brought 15 pupils from their KS1 classes. Each school also provided their sports crew to run various activities throughout the morning. 
The morning was a great success and all those involved loved it. 

Girls match V Norbridge 

Tuesday7th May 

Tonight after school the girls team played their last league game of the season V Norbridge. We started really well and Daijah had an outstanding game in defence for the first time partnering India. Ocean agreed to go in goal as our other Goal keeper was unavailable thank you ๐Ÿ™. 
We were playing some really good football and the long ball from defence was working well and gave us the lead after Eleyse latched onto the ball and controlled it well and scored. 
Norbridge then equalised with seconds to go and the half time score was 1-1. In the second half we stood back off the ball a bit too much and it caused us pressure and ultimately another 2 goals. However the whole team worked together and this was by far the best performance of the season. Well done girls โšฝ๏ธ

Boys football V CarrHill

Thursday 18th April 

Last league game of the season today V CarrHill. A bit of a changed team with our Captain Henri being unavailable and Thomas and Ethan also not able to play. So a chance for Jacob and Jensen to play and they both had great games too. In the first half we played really well and Ollie had a couple of chances but couldn’t get past their goal keeper. Carr hill were awarded a penalty after a handball in the box to make it 1-0 at half time. 
A mix up in defence gave them a 2nd and a misjudged pass their 3rd. CarrHill scored their 4th with a brilliant volley and in the last minute Sparken were awarded a penalty but once again their keeper came to the rescue and made a great save. Final score was 4-0 to CarrHill. 

Bassetlaw schools Boccia competition 

Thursday 18th April

We took 2 teams to this competition with each consisting of 4 players. There were 9 schools taking part and everyone played each other. Both of our teams played really well and worked together as a team throughout the competition. Ollie’s team ( Sparken 1) hadn’t lost until they played Nikita’s team (sparken 2) but it was Alexis who secured the win for Sparken 2 with her final shot she was inches from the jack ball to win the game. 
After all the games had been played there were 3 schools in joint 3rd place, we were 2nd place and St Swithuns were 1st. The whole competition was organised really well and everyone had a great time. 

Rugby ๐Ÿ‰ mega festival 

Thursday 27th March 

It was the turn of year 5&6 to attend a festival today, this was run by Bassetlaw Bull dogs Rugby and oaks sports leaders. The group of pupils had a great time taking part in a carousel of games and skills required to play rugby. 

Boys and Girls league football โšฝ๏ธ matches V Ordsall

Monday 24th March 

After school tonight we hosted both the boys and girls football teams from Ordsall school in respective league matches. The boys played a lot better tonight and worked hard as a team. Ordsall took the lead but Ollie S scored an absolute screamer to equalise. But an own goal by us meant the final  score was 2-1 to Ordsall. 
The Girls were also on form tonight and the link up play was brilliant. Elyse , Irene and Daijah all had good chances in the first half and Elyse managed to score just before half time. In the second half she scored again and then Ordsall pulled a goal back. Elyse completed her hat trick minutes later and final score was 3-1 to us. 

Dodge ball festival 

Thursday 20th March 

We took 15 pupils from years 3&4 to this festival today at Retford Oaks. The group spent the morning learning about the skills needed to play dodgeball. The carousel of activities were lead by the Oaks sports leaders and they were brilliant. 

Girls match V Redlands 

Tuesday 19th March

Another match tonight and this time our opponents were Redlands. We changed the team a bit and gave Lyra a game in goal and two debuts for Lilly and Sofia. Once again we had so many chances but just couldn’t convert them into goals. Redlands on the other hand had 2 chances and took advantage of them both and at half time we were losing 2-0. In the 2nd half we had a penalty awarded and Elyse scored from the spot, this spurred us on but again some great goal keeping and defence from Redlands prevented us from getting that equaliser. Final score was 2-1 to Redlands. 

Girls football match V CarrHill 

Monday 18th March 

Girls had a football match tonight V CarrHill school. This time it was the turn of the  5&6 girls to play again. 
In the first half we had most of the possession and controlled the game well. Elyse and Daijah linked up well together in midfield and Poppy also had a great game in the middle. 
It was Daijah that broke the dead lock with a thunderous shot and at half time we were winning 1-0. Throughout the game the girls kept subbing on and off to try and give everyone the same pitch time. In the 2nd half Elyse finally managed to grab a couple of goals and the final score was 3-0. The player of the match went to Georgia who had a great game on the left of midfield and then in defence. Well done girls a very well deserved victory. 




Inclusive MultiSkills Festival 

friday 15th March

Today we took 14 pupils to this event at Retford Oaks. They had taster sessions in Boccia, table top cricket, dodge ball, karate and many more. The group rotated around all the activities and they all got involved and loved taking part. 

School games Dance festival performance 

Thursday 14th March 

Today our 15 dancers from year 4 returned to Retford Oaks to perform their dance in front of an audience.
Just before the holidays the group had spent an afternoon at oaks with their dance leaders learning a routine. They then rehearsed during their lunch breaks with Miss Edwards and today they performed their dance in front of all the other schools and their parents. This years theme was colours of the rainbow ๐ŸŒˆ and our colour was blue. 
All our students loved attending and taking part and were extremely excited about today. A massive thank you to Miss Edwards for giving up her lunchtimes over the past few weeks to rehearse and for encouraging and sharing her passion for dance with her class. 

Netball matches V Gateford Park and Ranby C of E

Wednesday 6th March 

Thank you to both schools for a great round robin of matches today. First match was Sparken V Gateford and some really good performances from both sets of players. Poppy Barnett and Lauren Townrow both managed to score in the first half to make the score 2-0. We switched positions every 5 mins to allow all the girls the same amount of time on the court. In the second half we managed to score another 3 goals to make the final score 5-0. Our girls then had a rest while Ranby and Gateford played and that was a 1-0 to Gateford win. Then we played Ranby and again Poppy and Lauren managed to score. Some if the Ranby players had to leave early so Lyra, Emma and Carys all volunteered to play for Ranby in the 2nd half. Ava Bratt had a go at being GA  and managed to score to make the final score 3-0. All the girls loved playing and have improved so much since September. Well done ๐Ÿ‘ 

Boys football match V Norbridge 

Tuesday 5th March

A very tough match tonight versus a very skilful  Norbridge team. Our striker didn’t get a touch on the ball for the first 20 minutes and we only had one attack in the first half. Norbridge totally dominated the midfield and pressed at every opportunity. Half time they were winning 4-0. In the second half we kept hold of the ball a bit better and Ronnie made some excellent saves in goal. However they scored another 5 goals to make the final score 9-0. 

Year5&6 Bassetlaw Schools basketball ๐Ÿ€ competition 

Thursday 29th February 

On Thursday we took a team of 6boys and 6 girls to the Bassetlaw Schools basketball competition held at Retford oaks. Only 5 players are allowed on court at a time and the competition rules are that 5 girls play in the  first half and 5 boys play in the 2nd half. Our first game was against Redlands and we lost by 1 basket. However we then went on to win all our other games and finished in joint first place ๐Ÿฅ‡ with Leverton. 

Girls league football match V St John’s 

Monday 26th February 

The girls played their first league match of the year V St John’s on Monday. A really good game with chances at either end. Daijah hit the cross bar and post numerous times and Elyse the same but still no goal for all their efforts. Eventually it was St John’s that scored from a superb shot on the edge of the area that left stand in keeper Ocean no chance of saving. 
Then minutes later they scored a second to go in at half time 2-0. 
in the second half Irene went in goal with India, Ashley and Gemma in defence. Poppy had a great game in midfield and once again Daijah was relentless, she chased every ball, made some amazing tackles and had yet another 6 chances to score but kept out by some great goal keeping and that cross bar again. 
final score was 2-0 to St John’s and player of the match was Daijah Moar. 

Friendly Football match V Redlands

Thursday 25th January

Tonight we took 11 boys who have been to our after school football club but not yet had the opportunity to play a match against team. Mr Makeman at Redlands als had boys that had not yet played for their school and between us we organised this match. 
It was an absolute pleasure to take these boys and they all enjoyed playing. We played really well together and although unsure of positioning at the start of the game they soon picked up where they should be on the pitch and helped each other out too. 
Harley C was captain and he was outstanding, he lead the warm up and encouraged the team throughout the match. He even managed to bag himself a couple of goals too. 
Mason M, Jacob B and Brian W also managed to score a goal each. Both Tommy M and Ronnie K were brilliant in goal and both kept clean sheets. The final score was 5-0 to SHA and the Redlands teachers chose Harley C as man of the match. 

Year 5&6 SportsHall Athletics Competition 

Thursday 18th January 2024 

Today we took one team to the Bassetlaw Schools indoor athletics competition at Retford Oaks Academy. The team consisted of 6 Boys and 6 Girls from years 5&6 that had been attending our after school athletics club the previous term. Each Boy and Girl had to take part in 3 field events and 3 relays during the competition. Then their scores and times were recorded by the junior sports leaders at Oaks. In total there are 22 schools taking part in this competition over 3 different days. Once everyone has been to their event our SGO Kate Voice will work out all the results and the top 8 schools will be invited to the next round. 
We will keep you updated on our progress ๐Ÿ‘
