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Welcome to a new week.  There will be two zoom meetings today.  One with Mr Phillips at 10am and another with Mrs Marshall at 2pm.  


There are some tasks for you to complete today.  We would like you try and join today's zoom meeting, but if you can't at those times, the videos are below for you to access the learning. 


This week we will be using this book to write our own set of instructions for 'How to wash a Wooly Mammoth'

Click here  to go to a video of the story or here for a link to the book as a pdf.

Features of instructions

Use this video to help you identify the features of a set of instructions.



This week pupils will be learning and practicing their fraction skills. Pupils will pracitice finding fractions of shapes and amounts, and to count on in fractions. 


Use the video: Monday Fractions Video to support you through each daily task. As always, please encourage children to choose their level of challenge depending on what they feel comfortable with. 


Please return photos of the work via Dojo, or the work itself to the office.


This week we would like you to reflect on your personal qualities, attitudes, skills and achievements and how these impact on your confidence/self esteem.
