English, Maths & Science
Autumn 2
In English we will be writing non-chronological reports based on African animals & writing a letter to Yorkshire Wildlife park as well as some Christmas story writing as our assessment piece this term. Along the way we will practice our vocabulary, grammar and spelling skills!
In Mathematics we our focusing on addition and subtraction and using different methods and apparatus to help us.
Science continues with our ‘Animals including humans’ looking at skeletons & muscles!
Remembrance Day - Acrostic Poems

Maths 🧮 - We have been using ‘Base ten’ to help us with our addition and subtraction.

Maths Challenge 🧮

Active Times Tables 💃🏼 🕺🏼
Times Tables Rockstars Challenge - These 4 were the most valuable players during the y3/4 battle during our boiler breakdown days off! Well done for keeping up home learning too!
Gathering Research for our Non-Chronological Animal Reports

Science - In this lesson we explored how the human body needs muscles to move, we looked at how the muscles work & investigated what muscles we use when we do certain movements

Autumn 1
English - Halloween Acrostic poems 👻

English - Diary Entry (based on Akimbo)

English - Persuasive Writing - Holiday Brochures

Maths - Place Value

Science - Food Chains

Today we consolidated our weeks numeracy with an active maths lesson. It was based on column addition and subtraction. We worked in groups of 4, the first person had to run to the end of the hall, roll the dice and then run back and write the number under the Hundreds Column. Next person was Tens then units, after we had our first number we then did it again to see what the number we were adding or subtracting would be.
once we had done that we all worked out the answer and wrote it down onto the chalk board. It was then checked by our teacher and if it was correct we could collect a golden nugget. At the end of the lesson the nuggets were exchanged for class dojo’s.
Our Active Maths Lesson