Autumn 1 - Great Fire of London
During the Autumn Term, the children will be learning all about the Great Fire of London. This topic will be linked into other curriculum areas will be built on throughout the term.
To form the foundation for future learning about the Great Fire of London, the children’s first history lesson was all about when the fire happened and how this fits into our timeline. We went to our school timeline and located the event. We discussed how long ago this was in relation to other periods such as the Victorian.
This half term, the children have been looking at celebrations. We have looked at the celebration of harvest, as well as other Jewish and Christian festivals/celebrations. This lesson we looked at what a sedar plate is. We discussed the different parts and their importance to the Jewish community.
In PSHE the children have been looking at the differences and similarities between themselves and others. This lesson the children looked at qualities of a friend and what they view as the most important. We discussed that what we value the most important might be different to other peoples. We then put the qualities into a pyramid, the most important being at the top.
The children have been learning about the sequence of events of the GFOL. This lesson the children were using drama to act out different pictures showing different parts of the event.
In maths the children have been adding and subtracting 10s and 1s. This lesson we used dienes in order to support our accuracy when doing this.
In science the children have been learning all about materials. They have looked at different types of materials and their properties. They have also looked at suitability. This lesson they were looking at how different materials move across surfaces. Working in groups, the children used a variety of different ramps with different surfaces, a toy car and a tape measure to measure how far a car travelled. They then compared the differences and discussed their findings.
In DT, the children have been working towards making a Tudor house. They have looked at different types of houses and their features, then designed their own. This lesson the children made their designs using a variety of tools and materials. Here’s some of their final pieces.