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Contact Details

Community Team




Welcome to the Community Page for all of our families and carers of children here at Sparken Hill Academy.


Our Community Team help with a variety of issues including:


Offering support to pupils, parents and families on a wide range of issues

Accredited parenting courses to support parents/carers to understand their child's behaviour

Helping improve attendance and punctuality

Promotion of positive behaviour

Promotion of parental engagement

Well Being support sessions to help parents/carers mental health


We offer 1-1 sessions with children who may need a little extra support who may appear as anxious or withdrawn and equally support parents and carers with illness, bereavement, child's behaviour or domestic abuse  to name a few.



Keep an eye out on your emails and texts of the fun sessions we will be running alongside the coffee mornings available for ALL.


As always, the Community Team are available to talk through any worries you may have so please ask at reception for one of us to contact you or text Karen on 07540 686381. Alternatively, we are in the playgrounds each morning so feel free to pop over and chat to us.


Karen, Sheryl, Deb and Claire



Introducing Our Community Team


Karen is our Senior Family Support Worker, Sheryl is our Attendance Advisor, Claire is our Family Liaison/Pastoral Support and Deb is our Safeguarding Officer.    


Don't forget you can contact us by asking at Reception or texting Karen on  07540 686381

Also, check out our display in the Main Reception at school which has all the main events for the coming term!

See you soon!


  What our parents are saying................


"Excellent support from the support staff"

"Wonderful individually tailored support offered to families and followed up!"

"A great partnership working to benefit children and families, always welcoming and positive"

"Goes the extra mile"

"The support has been fantastic,the team always listen to my concerns and that of the children"


Click on the links below to find out more about whats happening for you and your child.


Christmas Crafts with Parent Champion Heather

Making Reindeer Food

Dads/Male Carers Junk Modelling

Tales from the Heartwood

Grandparents Easter Crafts

Out of Africa Family Crafts

Community team & Parents Poppy Display

Happy Halloween

Our Super "Solihull Understanding your Child" Graduates

Parent's Relaxation Session in the Sun!

Fathers Day Junk Modelling

Tales from the Heartwood storytelling & crafts

Easter Crafts with Grandparents

Jewellery Making for Parents

Mothers Day Treat

Christmas Crafts

Strengthening Families

Dads/Grandads/Male Carers Spooky Pumpkin Carving

New Family Space Crafts September 2017

New Family Cooking September 2017

Dress up & Dance Day in aid of Macmillan Cancer 2017

Fathers Day Junk Modelling



Red Nose Day Fun 2017

Tales of the Heartwood storytelling & dreamcatcher making

Take 5 for Parents relax at Thoresby Hall!
