Spring 1- Arctic Adevntures
RE: we have been discussing and drawing our ‘ideal world’. A world where we accept all faiths amongst many other ideas.
We have been designing and making our own Inuit boats as part of our DT learning. The children had to decide whether to make a Kayak or an Umiak - ask them the difference between the two! They thought about which materials to use and how to put them together. Then we tested them out on water.
Look at these fabulous homework’s this week!

Amazing computing work- Data Handling. What is your favourite arctic animal?
We LOVE reading! We have been doing some reviews of our favourite books.
In Science, we have been thinking about the characteristics of Arctic animals. We explored different ways to classify the animals and created our own labels to show the different characteristics...
In English, we have been writing detailed sentences with a range of conjunctions all about the Inuit community.
Geography: we have been exploring hot and cold climates. We can all locate the Arctic, Equator, North and South Poles and many more on a map!
We enjoyed formulating a word bank of fantastic adjectives to use across our “Arctic Adventures” topic from using this arctic scene.
English: Watch this teams fantastic performance!