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Swimming Gala 2024

Friday 5th July 

This year we had over 50 pupils taking part in the annual swimming gala and this is a testament to the way we teach swimming across school. Pupils begin their journey in year 3 and continue into year 4 and go every week until they can swim a minimum of 25m. Swimming is part of the National Curriculum and above all a crucial life skill that once learned will be a life long skill. It is a compulsory requirement by the government and that is why we have introduced smaller class sizes and have water based assistants to help, encourage and support our pupils. Our ratio for adult to child is 1:5 at a minimum but can be up to 1:3 depending on ability. Today it was fantastic to see so many of our pupils taking part and enjoying themselves. The final scores were Buckingham in 🥇 Balmoral in 🥈 Windsor 🥉 and Sandringham 4th. 


Year 5+6 Sports day 

Tuesday 25th June 

Yet another fantastically well organised event, everyone involved had an amazing time. Lots of smiles m passion and teamwork. 

Year 3&4 Sports Day 2024 

Another great sports day today. Over 150 pupils taking part and every single pupil took part and enjoyed their moment of action. 

Year 5&6 Inter house hockey 🏑 competition 

Tuesday21st May 

Today just over 150 pupils from years 5&6 took part in this competition. They have just finished a 6 week block of lessons on Quick sticks hockey and today played matches for their respective houses. 
Each team consisted of 6 players, 4 on the pitch and 2 as umpires. Then they swapped over at half time so that everyone in the team had a chance to play and umpire. 
As you can see from the photos below they have all made fantastic progress and enjoyed the competitiveness of the competition. 
The overall winners were Windsor House. 
