Spring - Romans
John Dyer Workshop
John Dyer Workshop
Today we were lucky enough to have a Zoom art tutorial with the artist John Dyer. We painted along with him to create our own portraits of a lion. The children were very excited to paint along with an artist we learn about.
Features of a Newspaper
Features of a Newspaper
We have been exploring the features of a newspaper ready to write our own article about Boudicca’s rebellions.
Our Roman god stories
Our Roman God Stories
The children have worked really hard researching, planning and writing their own stories based on a Roman god. We had lots of fun learning about the different gods and their powers!
The Quest Diaries
The Quest Diaries
The children have been exploring the story ‘The Quest’ and have written their own diaries about the events. They have used excellent writing techniques and a vast array of vocabulary.
Descriptive Writing
Descriptive Writing
The children have been exploring ways to improve their descriptive skills. In pairs they used descriptive vocabulary such as prepositions and adjectives to describe something for their partner to draw. Once they understood the importance of detail to get a clear picture, they wrote a setting description of a scene for ‘The Quest’.
Today we were exploring the app ‘book creator’ and planning our digital comic strip based on the story of Romulus and Remus.
Freed Beeches Visitor
Freed Beeches Visitor
Today we had a visitor from Freed Beeches Schools who worked with the children on a variety of important topics such as; what makes a good friend, why we do activities and a positive aspect of ourselves.
Power Maths Area
Power Maths Area
Today we started exploring the term area and comparing it to our prior learning of perimeter.
Exploring Emotions
Exploring Emotions
In our P.S.H.E lesson today we have been learning about managing our feelings and emotions in different situations. We explored the idea that it is ok to feel any emotion but it is how we react to them that matters.
Today in our P.E lesson we have been developing attacking and defending techniques in netball. We have learnt about our body positions when defending and how to make ourselves ‘bigger’. We are starting to really use the space.
Direct Speech
Direct Speech
Today we were using our punctuation skills to correctly punctuate direct speech.
Boudicca Fact File
Boudicca Fact File
As part of our history topic we have been learning about the Iceni queen Boudicca. The children have created their own fact files about her rebellion against the Romans.
Setting Description
Setting Description
Setting descriptions
A New Text,
A New Text!
Today we have started a new text, ‘Marcus’s Misfortune’. We have spent the morning reading, and retrieving information from the text. Our inference skills have really shone through in this activity.
The Journey
The Journey
The last two weeks we have been exploring the book ‘The Journey’. We have developed our GPS skills to improve our writing. We are also improving our read and review skills on our own work using purple pen.
Times Table Rockstars
Times Table Rockstars
We have been trying really hard to improve our Times Table knowledge. We work hard everyday to practice and secure those tricky times tables.
Magnet Strength Investigation
Magnet Strength Investigation
We have conducted an experiment to see which type of magnet could hold the longest chain of paper clips. We discovered that the horseshoe magnet was the strongest and the arc magnet was the weakest. We then used our data to create a bar chart.
Disaster Stories
Disaster Stories
The children have been exploring the text 'Escape from Pompeii' and they have planned and written their own version of the disaster story.
Roman Architecture
Roman Architecture
The Children build columns using different shapes and conducted an experiment to see which was the strongest.
Roman Geography
Roman Geography
The children have been using their Ipads to explore Google maps and investigate where the Romans came from. They were able to identify all the continents and find Italy in Europe. They also discovered the capital of Italy and how they became to be known as the Romans!
Roman Architecture
Roman Architecture
We have been exploring how the Romans built their buildings and what features we could see. We experimented with columns and created our own version.
Pompeii Storyboards
Pompeii Storyboards
The children are reading the story 'Escape from Pompeii' based on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. They are going to create their own stories and have been exploring ideas through storyboards.
Sequence in Gymnastics
Sequence in Gymnastics
Sequence in Gymnastics
Roman Soldiers
Roman Soldiers
We have been developing our sketching and shading skills today. We drew a Roman Soldier and used different shades and tones of colour to add detail.