Archived Key Stage One 2022-2023
Welcome To Key Stage One
Welcome to Key Stage 1. Here you will find a plethora of information from our class pages. This will include a gallery to share our learning experiences with you and pages to help and assist your child with a multitude of things, including; homework, phonics, spellings and topic. Hopefully you will find this information useful.
Our Curriculum
Spring Term - Arctic Adventures
This term our topic is "Arctic Adventures". Within this topic we will look at the location and geographical features of the polar regions: Arctic and Antarctic . We will explore weather and climate of the areas, animals located in the different areas, their habitats and food chains and famous Arctic explorers.
Autumn Term - The Great Fire Of London
This is our first topic of the new academic year; The Great Fire of London. Within this topic we will explore when and where this significant events took place, the events that unfolded during this time , the techniques used to bring the fire under control and significant people: Samuel Pepys & Thomas Farriner. We will also look at the changes that have occurred since the fire.
Class Pages 2022-2023
Phonics is prioritised from Nursery upwards. In KS1, phonics is taught daily for a period of 1 hr, split across two distinct 30 minute sessions. We use Bug Club to drive teaching and learning and to ensure coverage. Targeted phonics interventions are used across the school to support rapid progress for those children who are working below national expectations. A robust tracking system is used to ensure we monitor pupil progress in phonics. In Early Years and KS1, spelling is embedded with the phonics that the children are taught.
We teach phonics through the DFE accredited scheme Phonics Bug to support with early reading and phonics. Click here for free online phonics lessons from the DfE.
Watch this video clip which will show you how to pronounce the different phonemes (sounds) taught in Year 1.
What phonemes and tricky words will my child learn in Year 1?

Phase 6 grapheme flashcards and common exception words

Phase 5 and 6 phonics activities to practise at home
Phonics & Reading: Parent/Carer Information Workshop
On the 8th February we hosted a parent/carer workshop: "Phonics & Reading in Foundation and Key Stage One" to inform parents about....
- What is phonics?
- Our schools DfE approved phonics programme.
- The six phases within phonics and when they are taught.
- Phonic terminology and skills.
- How to use phonic (Decodable) books & support children with it at home.
- End of year expectations.
- Phonic screening test.
- Resources to support children with phonics and reading beyond the classroom.
The PowerPoint used in the delivery is below as well as the supportive information leaflet given to parents.
Handout to parents from the phonics and reading meeting

Each child will be given 5 spellings (Initially) to learn each week. These will consist of the phoneme or spelling pattern that your child is working on within Phonics/Spellings for that week along with high frequency words. The children will be tested on these weekly. Your child’s class teacher will inform you of the test date. The spellings will be available on EDSHED for the children to practise their spelling through games, this allows them to compete against their peers too. You will be provided with a login for this from your child’s teacher. A paper copy will also be sent home too.
Times Tables inc. Rockstars
We all love Times Table Rockstars. We will be continuing this for your child to learn their times tables. Your child’s class teacher will inform you when your child will need to start accessing these and which times table your child will need to focus on. Login details will also be provided for this too. Pupils will be tested on these regularly.
Knowledge Organisers.
We are wanting to strengthen our home - school communications further; sharing information about what your child is learning at school for each half term/term. We have put together a knowledge organiser (See attached) to enable you to see the vocabulary your child needs to know and the information that they should be able to recall by the end of the half term/term.
We would be grateful if you could talk to your child about what they are going to be learning about or have learnt, reinforcing key pieces of information within the knowledge organiser. This will help your child to feel more confident about what they are learning, increase participation in class discussions and for you as parents be able to be a part of their learning journey.
Homework will be issued every Thursday, in a homework book. This will be in the style of a menu (Children can select to do one piece each week from the menu.) We expect children spend at least 30mins each week on homework. This must be completed & returned to school the following Wednesday where your child will receive Dojo rewards/Team points.
KS1 The Big Little Nativity 2022