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Mission Statement

At Sparken Hill Academy, we strive to deliver a stimulating and engaging curriculum that appeals to every child in our school. Our Mission Statement is:


'Excellence and Enjoyment in Education for Everyone.'


The aim of our school is for all children to achieve the highest standards of attainment within the school’s ethos of a total commitment to the practice and principles of equal opportunities.

Children and adults of Sparken Hill Academy have equal access to every aspect of school life regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, transgender, religion, ability or special need.


Every person is valued and discrimination is challenged. 


At Sparken Hill Academy, we aim to support our learners to:

· Become independent learners who enjoy school and achieve their potential.

· Become confident in basic skills to promote their future economic well being.

· Grow into confident and responsible children who make a positive contribution to the school and community.

· Make sensible choices leading to a healthy lifestyle.

· Learn how to stay safe.


Sparken Hill Academy aspires to:

· Develop appropriate skills for a rapidly changing and increasingly technological world.

· Listen to children’s views and encourage them to take responsibility.

· Extend learning beyond the classroom and out of school hours.

· Give everyone the opportunity to succeed.

· Involve parents in the education of their children.

· Develop close links with our community and beyond.
