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Phonics is a high priority from Nursery upwards. In KS1 we teach phonics twice a day, each being 30 minute sessions. We use Bug Club to ensure quality teaching, learning and coverage. For those children who working below national expectations, targeted phonics interventions are used across the school to support rapid progress. A tracking system is used in order to monitor this progress and to help target specific gaps. In both the Early Years and KS1 spelling is embedded with the phonics that the children are taught. 

Bug Club Phonics is a DFE accredited scheme which we use to support with reading and phonics. Watch the video clips below to find out how to pronounce the different phonemes (sounds) taught in reception. These form the foundations which all future learning in both reading and writing is built from. 

Parent and carers guide to pronouncing phonemes

Parent and carers guide to Tricky Words
