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Autumn 1 - The Great Fire Of London

In DT we have been looking at the structure of different homes. The children have designed and then worked collaboratively in small groups to make a 1666 style house.

It’s Harvest Time Again. Poem written and performed by Yellow 5

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In English lessons, we have been reading all about the Great Fire of London. We worked in small teams to act out some scenes from the book and performed them to the class!

We LOVE our new school's timeline and found where our topic 'The Great Fire of London' is placed in history.

In Maths, we have been doing lots of work on our number bonds to 10 or 20. We loved our lesson when we had to find the matching pairs hidden around the classroom!

We have also used part whole models to find number bonds to 20.

In Maths, we have used base 10 equipment and place value charts to partition 2 digit numbers.

In History, the children have been learning all about what London is like now compared to 1666.

The children have been drawing some BEAUTIFUL pictures of Queen Elizabeth II. Well done!
