Autumn 1-Castles
This maths lesson we were looking at ordering numbers from biggest to smallest and then smallest to largest. We used numicon in order to gain a greater understanding of number value to enable us to do this. Here are some photos of our learning.
In our Art lessons we have been learning about the Bayeux Tapestry. This lesson we made our own. We worked in 3s to recreate the story of George and the Dragon into our own tapestry. We each chose a part of the story to draw and then at the end we brought them all together to make one. Here are some finished pieces.
In our DT we have been working towards making our own medieval castle. To do this we have first looked at the different types and their features. We then designed our own. This lesson we made our castles. We thought about what materials would be best to use in order for our castle to function properly. This has linked to both our Science topic and our History topic. Here are some photos of our learning.
This half term we have been learning all about materials. We have conducted an investigation this lesson into the proper sand and water ratio when making sand castles. We have talked a lot as a class about the suitability of materials and have compared types of castles and their materials. Here is some photos of us conducting our investigation.
Dress up day
KS1 have been learning all about the different roles in a medieval castle. To support our learning in this, we had a dress up day. The children came dressed as all different castle roles and then completed lots of different activities throughout the day. We discovered how to juggle like a jester, we learnt how to draw a dragon and made our own shields and coat of arms. Here are some photos showing our exciting day.
In our history lessons we have been learning all about castles from the medieval period. We have looked at different types of castles such as a motte and Bailey. We have also looked at the Battle of Hastings and how this led to the first castles being made. This lesson were learning all about different roles in a castle. We drew around a classmate in groups and then added details such as clothing. Here are some photos showing our learning.
In our maths lessons we have been learning and using numbers within 10. We have used practical resources to find one more and one less of a number. Here are some images of us completing this.