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This week we will be using this book to write our own set of instructions for 'How to wash a Wooly Mammoth'

Click here  to go to a video of the story or here for a link to the book as a pdf.

Instructions: Write up

Use this video to help you write your own instructions.



Continuing our fractions learning this week!

Watch todays video here: Friday's Video


As always, remember to choose your level of challenge and send in a picture of your amazing work via Dojo, or return your work to the office. 


Using the flint cards, sort these cards into those a hunter would "hunt" for and those a gatherer would "gather" for. Take a photograph of your sorting or create a table to sort the cards into, use Hunter and Gatherer as headings.


Extension: Feel free to try the Stewed Fruit recipe on the last slide of the PowerPoint. Send us some photographs of this please via Class Dojo.
