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In our new unit this term we are looking at plants & their functions. As means of a pre assessment we took an LBQ test on plants to see what the children already know. Then we looked at some different plants. We had the opportunity to dissect real flowers and put our knowledge of the functions of the roots, stem, leaves & flowers that we learnt during our interactive input.

Science Investigation... This week we planted broad beans 🫘 we are going to investigate which beans will grow the best, under which conditions. No heat, no water & no light. We ensured the investigation was set up to be a fair test and we are now going to monitor our seedlings 🌱 every day over a week we can’t wait to share our findings.

Look at how our beans 🫘 got on. We concluded that actually the bean in the cupboard but with water survived, the beans in the fridge sprouted but then no more growth and the ones with no water but light didn’t grow at all.

Summer 2 - amazing water cycle work to kick off our new science topic this term. The children drew and labelled their own water cycle diagram, then wrote an explanation using the key vocabulary - ‘evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection, surface run off, water vapour & most importantly did this independently after my input.
