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In our first English unit we have studied the story of the much loved ‘Lion King’ the children were really engrossed in the film and have loved learning more about the characters and looking deeper into the plot. Previous to this lesson we collected adventurous adjectives to describe different characters personality traits & appearance. Then using these we put them to the test in using expanded noun phrases to describe our characters in even more detail.

Setting descriptions it was great to see a range of different prepositions used to open our sentences, we also used our senses to help describe the setting

Here are some of our interesting news reports based on the illegal poaching which was an issue in our class read ‘Akimbo’. Great to see use of formal language, direct speech, varied sentence openers & adjectives that would make the reader realise the impact of this horrible crime!

Some great non-chronological pieces of writing - Fact files on African Animals 🦁 🦒 🐊

Diary writing 🖋️ using the ‘show not tell’ skill to convey our thoughts and feelings and the skill of writing in the 1st person while displaying our expanded noun phrases and time openers.

Wow! I am sure you can agree what amazing pieces of persuasive writing - our purpose for writing was a travel brochure, based on visiting YWP! Read to see use of persuasive features!
