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What next...

At Sparken Hill Academy we aim to provide a structured and planned transition in order to ease pupils through what can be a worrying phase of their lives. A successful transition is an important first step in helping your child to achieve their full potential.

Aims of Transition from Primary to Secondary

  • To make sure each child is happy when they move from Sparken Hill Academy to their chosen secondary school.
  • To support the parents in preparing for the move from Sparken Hill to secondary school.
  • To encourage each child to become more independent.
  • To ensure that any relevant information from our academy or outside agencies is acknowledged and acted upon.
  • To ensure smooth academic transition from Year 6 to Year 7.

Primary/Secondary Transition

Year 5

  • Various visits to Outwood Academy Portland / Valley to participate in lessons and other activities
  • Invitation to watch Outwood Portland productions
  • Participate in an annual Astronomy event at Portland

Year 6

  • Open days at Portland and Valley for parents and pupils
  • Outwood Academy representation at Sparken Hill Academy Open evenings
  • Open Evening – parents have a chance to tour school with their child. There is an opportunity to meet with staff
  • Individual tours of school can be arranged with the Year Co-ordinator
  • Deadline for submission of secondary school transfer forms
  • LA will inform whether a place has been given
  • Welcome letter and information sent out
  • Year 7 Co-ordinator to visit all pupils in their primary school to introduce herself to them
  • Transition Days. Pupils will come into school for three days at Valley / Portland to sample “life at Secondary.” This is to ensure their first day is less daunting. New Intake Evening. Parents and child to attend. Parents will be invited to listen to our senior staff whilst the pupils meet their new form tutors and members of their form

What else happens during Transition to Secondary for Year 6 pupils?

  • Access to Year 7 Co-ordinator, a non-teaching member of staff with vast experience in dealing with transition.
  • Transition Coordinator – meet the Y6 student days at Sparken Hill Academy
  • Personalised transition forms are completed for every child and passed onto the Secondary placement school
  • Staff from Portland – Masterclasses in primaries.
  • Visits/tours available on request.
  • Extra transition visits for pupils on request by school or parents
  • Bespoke transition packages organised by school – especially for ‘vulnerable’ students.
  • Literacy and numeracy intervention for identified pupils.

What makes a successful transition?

  • Developing new friendships and improving their self-esteem and confidence.
  • Having settle so well into school life that they cause no concerns to their parents.
  • Showing an increased interest in school and school work.
  • Getting used to their new routines and school organisation with great ease.
  • Experiencing curriculum continuity.



