Blue 3 - Mrs Godfrey's Class
Welcome to Year 5/6
During the first half of the Autumn term 2020 we will consider and explore the impact of the Industrial Revolution and study the text ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty. This topic will inspire the work we do in other curriculum areas and we shall look at the artist L.S.Lowry and create our own water-colour paintings in the style of this well- known British artist.Our science work will centre around the concept of forces.
During the second half term, leading up to Christmas, we shall continue considering the Victorian era and focus on other aspects of these times. We shall also be reading a text by Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’ and the underlying themes this story conveys. In design and technology we will be looking at the workings of a CAM mechanism and be designing and making our own Victorian toy. Our science will be centred around electricity and circuits.
We are certainly living through extreme times and our topic for Spring term 1 is 'Extreme Earth' therefore we will be studying earthquakes, volcanoes and other natural disasters and phenomenon. This theme will then be the focus of the children's art and literacy work . In English we will be looking at narrative poetry before moving onto recounts, diary entries, descriptive narrative and ending with non-fiction explanation writing. Our science learning will be Earth & Space.
Spring term 2 will see us venturing back in time to study all about the historical period of the ancient Egyptians. This will include the ritual of mummification, their social class system, pyramids, Tutankhamun, hieroglyphics and the Egyptian Gods. In art the children will be making their own Canopic jars and Tutankhamun death masks. Our PE focus will be Dodgeball and netball. In science will be looking at the circulatory system, health & fitness and drugs.
Summer term 1 sees us continuing with the Egyptian theme but with a geographical focus on the River Nile and the Aswan Dam. In art the children will be making an Egyptian Cartouche out of clay. English will involve writing diary entries, guided tours and poetry. The Children will be developing their tag rugby and tennis skills in PE. Science learning will be investigating the force of friction as well as looking at mechanisms such as pulleys, levers and gears.
Homework will be given out every Friday and is due in (at the latest) the following Wednesday. The homework will be a takeaway menu whereby the children can choose from a range of different homework styles such as Maths and English or if they want to be creative they can create a piece of art or a model. Children also need to remember to do their spelling task in the back of their books.
The children need to be reading at home regularly.(minimum 5 minutes a night)
Children are using the reading system called ACCELERATED READING. Each child is regularly tested on their comprehension skills and is then allocated a number band to choose from. Children are responsible for reading at school, at home and take regular reading tests using Ipads at school to check their comprehension of the books they have read before changing their books.
PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILD TO READ AT HOME! (little and often is the best way forward)
The children are more recently encouraged to read books on Myon and then they are redirected to accelerated read to take a quiz.
Helping at home with Maths: ROCK STARS!
Each child has been allocated a login name and password to practice their times tables at home and at school.
Pupils are tested regularly.
PE is every Tuesday and Friday. We ask that the children arrive at school in their PE kit on these two days of the week.
A refreshed and cleaned water bottle also needs to brought to school on a daily basis.
Any questions please come and see us or dojo me.
Mrs Godfrey & Mr Makeman