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Autumn 2 -The Great Fire Of London



This half term we have been learning about Kandinsky. We have looked at colour and how we can use it to convey mood and emotions. This lesson we had a go at recreating the famous Kandinsky circles. 



This half term the children have been looking at celebrations. This lesson we looked at the nativity story and sequenced the story. We then used drama to reenact the story. 



In our History lessons we have been learning all about the Great Fire of London. This lesson was focused on how the fire was put out. We used drama to show how the people of London used what they had to put out the fire. Here are photos of us using “leather buckets”, “squirts”, “gunpowder” and “fire hooks” to extinguish the fire. 



This half term the children have been learning all about the 4 seasons. They have looked at changes between the seasons and different weathers that they experience. 
