Spring 1 - Arctic Adventures
Our DT this term has been to look at the different types of boats used by traditional Inuits. We have then designed and made one using a range of materials. We then tested these to see how effective they were in water.
As part of our Kandinsky work, we have worked with members of the community to sew concentric circles together using a running stitch. This artwork has then been celebrated across school in the form of a patchwork piece, a Kandinsky tree and floating artwork.
Our book "The Bear That Went Boo!" By David Walliams, has been our focus to retell a familiar story. In order for us to retell the story we have re-enacted scenes from the book whilst thinking about the actions and feelings of characters at points within the story. Some of the BOO'S! were very frightening!
During science this week we have explored the characteristics of animals. Firstly, we defined what a characteristic is then we looked at the different types of characteristics before sorting a selection of Arctic animals against a characteristics criteria.
In our English lessons we have been developing our speaking and listening and performance skills. Working from the text "The Girl Who Went To The Arctic". We did some freeze frames from the book and also re enacted scenes.
Topic - WOW Lesson!
As part of our wow lessons we have explored the polar regions through small world play, immersed our hands in icy waters to unearth some frozen Arctic animals, created some moving animals and used maps and globes to looks at the poles, northern and southern hemispheres, the equator and the climates within these.
We have started the term off exploring shape. We have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes - understanding the differences between 2D and 3D (Vocabulary). We have also looked at the properties of shapes. Looking at edges and vertices of shapes.
Our PE lesson, gymnastics, this week focused on using our bodies to make shapes using low apparatus. Some excellent work was produced, with great control. The children thoroughly enjoyed this lesson.