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Football Clubs

Football and mini soccer ⚽️ 

Autumn term 

This term we will have 4 different football clubs.

Year 5&6 Boys Friday

Year 5&6 Girls Monday

 Year 3&4 (Boys and Girls) Wednesday

Year 1&2 ( Boys and Girls) Friday 

We have entered both  Boys and Girls teams into the Bassetlaw League and these are for pupils in years 5&6, boys play 9a side matches with offsides and normal FA rules  and girls 7 a side. 
New FA guidelines for under 9 and below mean that we have had to change the way we coach football in schools. 
All pupils must wear shin pads and football socks covering the pads and football boots. We do have some spare boots in school so please just ask Mrs Paton if you want to loan a pair of these. 

Girls training 

Great first session with the Girls today and already developing their dribbling skills. 
