Autumn 2 & Spring 1 -WW2
In science we have be learning about Evolution and Natural Selection. In this experiment we replicated how Darwin’s Finches adapted to their habitats.
In English, pupils are looking at examples of letters sent home during WW2 before writing their own letters in character.
To support our understanding of WW2, pupils dressed up and took part in a number of themed workshops. These included playing traditional games, making gas masks, cooking, looking at artefacts and dance.
In fractions we have started converting between mixed number and improper fractions.
In Science we have been exploring how light is reflected and how Periscopes enable us to see over and round things.
In Maths we have been identifying at equivalent fractions.
In history pupils have been looking at how WW2 started, as well as a timeline of events.
In Our PE lessons this term we are doing gymnastics with Mrs Paton and Basketball with Mr Johnson. In gymnastics we are working on our balance and strength and working on partner balances. This involves trust, good tension, control, shape and strength. Below are a few photos of us during today’s lesson.