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Classroom Learning Years 5 and 6

Our main focus this term has been to listen to 'Mars'... The Bringer of War' from 'The Planet Suite' by Gustav Holst.


This music is called 'Program Music' because it is composed intentionally to make you think about a particular place, person or event.


To support our written work we have done lots of practical activities you can see in the videos below. This has deepened our understanding of how a composer uses the 'Musical Elements' to spark the imagination of the listener. 


This will help us next term when we compose our own piece of music we will call 'Earth... The Bringer of Life'

September 2020. What do we think and feel when we listen to music? How does the composer use the different elements of music to make us think and feel these things?

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October 2020. Can we express our musical ideas using a 'Digital Audio Workstation' or DAW?

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Oct 2020. How can we learn what the different elements of music sound and feel like?

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November 2020. Can we use our understanding of score writing to add 'Programatic' ideas to a composition?

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Dec 2020. How can we use 'Dynamics' to create colour and drama in a composition?

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