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Welcome to Autumn 1's topic page. Here you will find all what we have been getting up to during this half term. Our topic was 'Castles' and the children have really loved exploring what roles there were in a castle and what life was like during these times. 

Science - Materials

In Science the children have been looking at different materials and there properties. They have carried out a simple test in order to see if the shape of a solid material can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. The photo shows the children exploring what different items in the school are made of. Discussion was held during the process of why this might be. 

PSHE - What Makes a Good Friend

In our PSHE lessons we have been looking at what things make a good friend. We have took part in class discussion to share our own thoughts and ideas about what we enjoy about having a friend. Here is a piece of learning showing the child's friend and what they think makes them a good friend. 

History - Types of Castles

In our History lessons we have looked at the Battle of Bosworth and how this led to the first castles being created. We have looked at different types of Norman castles, such as motte and baily and motte and keep. The children looked at the different properties of castles and how they ensure the castle is easily defended from enemies. They have then used this information to design and label their own castle, as shown in the image above. 
