Welcome to week two of learning how to write our very own Non-chronological report about Skara Brae, an ancient Neolithic village found in Orkney, Scotland.
Wednesday's Lesson
Today you will be beginning to plan your very own fact file. The picture above is Mr. Phillips' attempt to create a non-chronological report all about Skara Brae. Use the planning grid below to start thinking about what sort of information you would like to include in your reports.
Remember to send your planning sheets for me via Dojo so that I can take a look at your awesome work - We can't wait to see it!
Wednesday's Resources
This week we are learning all about measuring perimeter and area. Today we will recap our learning of perimeter and begin to learn about measuring the area of 2D shapes.
Follow the video to help with today's activity. Don't forget to upload a photo of your child's learning to Dojo, or return the work to school. We can't wait to see it!
Get creative!
This week we would like you to research a tool, a piece of jewellery or an artefact from the Stone Age period. We DON'T want any cave paintings though!
Initially, we would like you to research your chosen item: What was it used for? How was it made? Significance, if any?
You could make a wolly mammoth, create a spear from a tree branch, stone and string or make a necklace out of clay or plasticine.
We have included some suggestions below to help.