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Foundation Subjects

Geography- Rainforests

Geography- Locating rainforests around the world using an atlas 🌍. Recognising that they are located near the Equator and in between the ‘Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn’.

Geography - Layers of the rainforest and what animals live there and why!

Geography - Looking at the climate of the rainforest! We have set up a rain gauge and thermometer to collect the rainfall and temperatures in Worksop to then compare them with climate graphs from the Amazon Rainforest.

Collecting natural colours in our own school environment

D.T. - Chocolate 🍫 

D.T. - Market research it was safe to say this was a popular lesson. We got to taste the different chocolates & discuss their taste, texture, shape etc.

Chocolate making 🍫

Science - Animals inc humans

Science - Sorting foods into food groups 🍲 🥘 🍱

Science - Discussing and sorting foods into healthy & unhealthy categories

Looking at the digestive system and how it works!

Looking at vertebrate & invertebrates and then the types of skeletons, e.g. endoskeleton, exoskeleton.

Making muscles and joints

Looking at skeletons and their purpose
