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Autumn Term Numeracy 


This term we will be focusing on:


  • Place value within 1000
  • Addition and Subtraction - working towards using formal written methods (column) with regrouping 
  • Multiplication and Division - knowing the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4, & 8 times tables fluently
  • Multiplication and Division - using the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 & 8 times tables to solve problems

Multiplication: Pupils using counters to make equal groups

Pupils using counters to create inverse operations and fact families of number bonds to 10

Pupils using base 10 to help them see approximates and estimate answers

Using numicon to practise number bonds to 10

Pupils using base ten to support their column subtraction

Our times table Rockstars so far showing off their certificates and prizes from our weekly battles against other classes.

Our amazing times table ‘All Stars’

Pupils using our Active Learn apps to support them with their learning
