Spring 2 - Survival - Charles Darwin
This half term we have been learning about Charles Darwin and writing a biography about him. Below are a few examples of our amazing Biography’s on Charles Darwin.

This term we have been working on problem solving, teamwork and leadership skills as part of our survival topic. Today we had to build a vessel and then work out ways of staying on as bits of equipment were taken away. We also had to work out how to get across a pretend river with our team and that certain rules were adhered to.
Well done to Harry and his team for winning the challenge.
This half term in science we have been learning about Evolution and Inheritance. The photos below show some of our amazing work on the advantages and disadvantages of adaptation, cross breeding, selective breeding and genetic modification. We have all really enjoyed learning about our topic and asked some amazing questions in every lesson.

During this half term in geography we have been learning about different climate zones across the world including the tropics and Arid. We have also been comparing the climates to life in the UK, during this we have been drawing bar and line graphs to compare the temperate and rainfall in London to Manaus. Below are a few examples of our amazing graphs.