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Spring 1 - Extreme Earth

Extreme Earth 


This half term our topic is Extreme Earth. We will begin our learning by developing our understanding of the structure of the Earth, including the movement of tectonic plates.  This will help us to understand how volcanoes are formed and why earthquakes happen. We will be using Google maps to locate volcanoes and earthquakes across the world and we will learn about the effects these have on people living near them. 
Please have a look at our knowledge organised below for more information and detail on what our pupils will be learning. We look forward to sharing all their work with you over the half term!

Extreme Earth Knowledge Organiser

In class we are reading...

This half term we are reading a series of books which each tell a terrifying and thrilling story from history, through the eyes of a kid who lived to tell the tale. 



Visit each subject to find out what work we have been up to in class.

