English & Maths
Ola is proud to show off her amazing character description, applying expanded noun phrases, adverbials and more varied sentence types!
More super ‘Charlie’ English work - today involved some grammar work using commas in a list and commas in clauses.

Fantastic start to our ‘Charlie & the Chocolate Factory’ English topic... we collected a vast amount of adjectives around the main characters of the story. This week we’ve put them to good use in our sentences working with varied fronted adverbials, as seen below!

Here are some recounts of the ‘Kapok Tree’ it was the first piece of independent writing and great to see a start to adding noun phrases and varied adjectives for detail, something we have been working on.

Cold Write - it was great to see the children remembering the main points from the ‘Kapok Tree’ to address the readers of their letters about the important issues!

We had a go at turning what the animals said to the sleeping man in the ‘Kapok Tree’ into facts in preparation for our letter writing unit.

It was great to see some fantastic letters after our ‘persuasive writing’ unit. I was extremely happy to see persuasive devices being used; power of three, rhetorical questions, facts and figures and emotion really helped us to pull together our letters to persuade people from chopping down our precious rainforests.

It was hard to choose 3 ... our first assessed write - diary entry; using emotive thoughts & feelings and using senses to act as the man from the ‘Kapok Tree’ story.