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Parent Feedback





We value your opinion on everything that we offer here at Sparken Hill Academy - not just for your children but for you as parents and carers too.  This is why we encourage you to complete a comment/suggestion card in reception or give our Parent Champions any verbal comments you may have.


After each course/activity we ask a few questions to see what you enjoyed and what could make it better.


We have recently asked our parents if they had any suggestions or comments on how we support and deliver LGBTQ+ content within our school. Thanks to everyone who gave us some really useful feedback including:

We asked....

How do you feel we support the LGBTQ+ community and ensure children are fully aware they are free to be who they want to be?


You said....

You feel welcomed and valued and feel there are bits of LGBTQ+ awareness through the school grounds and through chats with their children.  However you would like to know more about what we teach the children within our lessons.


We did....

We decided to undertake "The Rainbow Flag Award" which enables us to audit our approach and ensure we are inclusive and supportive to all.




We asked our Parent Champions to review our Behaviour Policy in January 2019 and after a thorough examination of it we were given the following feedback.


We asked.....

What do you know about our Behaviour Policy in school?


You said.....

"We think the Policy explains well what is expected of the pupils but we want to know more about how good behaviour is rewarded"


We did...

We have so many rewards for children who show good behaviour or as we call them our "always always" children who are always well behaved, polite, helpful and kind to others. From weekly Horse Riding sessions to trips out to the Cinema, Kidszone, Golden Time treats every Friday afternoon and end of term which includes class discos and movie afternoons plus our new Rainbow Rewards for excellent behaviour from  footballs to Kindle's !!!!. WOW - How cool is that!!. Thanks to our School Council for coming up with the Rainbow Rewards idea!.



We asked....

What's the best thing about attending Dads/Male Carers Family Crafts with your child?


You said....

"Spending quality time with my son at school and making models with loads of room to make a mess!!"


We did...

Booked more sessions for all parents/carers for Family Crafts and Cooking to enable more families to join in the fun!.







