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Foundation Subjects


We started our history lessons off with a lesson on ‘Chronological Concurrence’ so we could see exactly where our topic of the Romans took place against British & World History. We looked at how the Roman Empire span from BC to AD and also studied how timelines worked. We also briefly looked at moving time maps to look at the countries that the Romans conquered over time. Our main activity consisted of ordering a timeline which very cleverly included all the historical topics you cover from KS1 to UKS2.

Here is part of our history display showing the timeline of the Roman power over the world and GB. Children are free to grab books to look at Roman life.

We used historical resources to inform a debate on which Queen in Roman Britain we would have been; Boudicca or Cartimandua. We did a conscience alley to justify and challenge our opinions.

Today we learnt about Roman soldiers; the different ranks, what life would have been like, weapons, training, formations they used, other jobs they did. So we had a go at drawing & labelling the weapons & armour of a legionary soldier.


We have been using Google Earth to locate Europe, look at the countries that make up Europe and look specifically where Italy is located within. We then looked at where Rome was... the children even went one step further and found Pompeii & Mt Vesuvius as we have been covering a story based on this in English. Great map skills 🗺

The children had to colour in the relevant parts of the map that showcased which parts were conquered by the Romans and became a part of the Roman Empire. The Roman's were known for the amount of land in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East that they conquered. By 117 AD their boundaries spread far and wide. This was great to help children to understand how widespread the Roman Empire really was.


Cricket in the sunshine 🏏 ☀️ We have really enjoyed this terms 2nd PE following the chance to shine cricket planning.

Swim stars - first swimming session with school went amazingly I’m so proud of Green 2 for trying their hardest! The above children got certificates for achieving 5 & 10 metres on their front or back! 🏊🏼‍♀️

Look at this weeks sizzling swimmers everyone’s confidence is really building up 🌟

🏊‍♂️ Wow 25m & 50m 🏊🏼‍♀️

This weeks super swimmers! I think you can tell by the smiles that they are super proud of their achievements! 🏊🏼‍♀️ 🏊‍♂️

10/3/22-Swim achievements 🏊🏼‍♀️

Mrs Paton is extremely proud of Green 2’s hard work this year in their swimming sessions. Another week of achievements 👏🏼 🏊🏼‍♀️ 🏊‍♂️


In the first of our R.E. Lessons we discussed inspirational people and how world leaders, sport stars, entertainment stars & how religious leaders would inspire different people.

It was great to welcome Father Cooper to our school from St.Paul’s Church in Manton. He lead an assembly on the Easter Story... #communitylinks


Freed Beeches (an eating disorder charity) delivered a lesson on body image. To finish we played a game that incorporated how we can treat our friends.


D&T - making columns and pediments - we looked at some traditional Roman buildings 🏛 so we had a go at making our own.

... D&T ... finished fronts of Roman buildings 🏛

We investigated whether an arch would be stronger if it was wider or taller. Romans used a lot of arches in their buildings as they are structural strong. You can see arches in their bridges, aqueducts & the most famous the colosseum!


In Spring 2 we are looking at Roman Mosaics, in the first lesson we had a go at creating our own mosaics. We only used natural colours to reflect the fact that they would have used stones/pebbles to break down into tiny fragments, thousands actually, to create their mosaics back then.

This afternoon we did a live art lesson from the artist John Dyer so we got to revisit the art we studied in the Autumn term 🖼 🎨
