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Autumn Term 2


As part of our PSHE work this term we have looked at inspirational people. This week we have looked at people that could inspire us for future careers.

Today we had the pleasure in welcoming visitors to school to talk about their careers, the routes the took to get the jobs they have, how long they've had the role, the likes and dislikes etc. Children did a Q&A session with a retired electrician, a physiotherapist, PCSOs and a composer/play script writer. 


As part of science topic, we have focused on the digestive system.

This week we have gone on the journey of food through our digestive system. Starting with breaking down the food using our teeth, mixing with saliva. Moving down the oesophagus and into the stomach. In the stomach the food will mix with stomach acid, pass through the small intestine, through the large intestine and out through the anus.

We created our own digestive system, that produce faeces.


This week we have focused on, Money Management; exploring how to spend our money on items we need, in order to complete a given task.

Our classroom had opened a shop full of useful items and some items that were not so useful. Our task was to build a structure that was to hold water for 30 seconds.

Let's just say, we quickly established that purchasing the wrong items or utilising the items incorrectly led to a shortage of money or a lack of resources. 

Though, all pupils thoroughly enjoyed the task!



This lesson we focused on the parts of the body associated with the digestive system. We explored the names of these parts and their function.

We were then given these body parts and a silhouette of a human body and asked to construct and label the digestive system based upon our knowledge and understanding of the process.

We worked in pairs to support our learning, share with one another the scientific vocabulary and reinforce our understanding.

Snow Day

Snow at Sparken is often rare, so when we woke to a covering, we decided to make the most of it for part of the morning. We had a "Build a Snowman" competition against other classes; to see who could produce the tallest, widest and strongest snowman. Of course we also had fun making footprints in the snow, creating snow angels and generally having some fun!

Odd Sock Day (Anti-bullying Week)

​​​This week has been Anti-bullying week, to mark this week we wore odd socks, to prove that we are all unique and different but need to be treated as equals. 

This years theme was "RESPECT". Mr Lilley delivered an assembly about respect and that it is one of our British Values. We learnt that people need to respect others decisions, choices, values etc ​​​​


This term our humanities focus is on the history of the Ancient Mayan period.

This week we visited our school timeline to link back, where this period of time was with world history and to see how close or not, it was to a significant period of history, previously studied in KS1. E.g. The Great Fire of London, The race to the Pole. We looked at different time periods - BCE and CE and plotted Mayan events on a timeline.
