Welcome to Upper Key Stage Two
Class Pages 2022-2023
Leavers 2022
Dropbox Link for Prom Photos Dropbox Link for Prom Photos
Class Pages 2021-22
Spellings Year 5 and 6 overviews
- Year 5 Term 1A Overview.pdf
- Year 5 Term 1B Overview.pdf
- Year 5 Spelling Term 2A Overview.pdf
- Year 5 Term 2B Spelling Overview.pdf
- Year 5 Term 3A Overview.pdf
- Year 5 Term 3B Overview.pdf
- Year 6 Term 1A Overview.pdf
- Year 6 Term 1B Overview.pdf
- Year 6 Term 2A Overview.pdf
- Year 6 Term 2B Overview.pdf
- Year 6 Term 3A Overview.pdf
- Year 6 Term 3B Overview.pdf
DARE - Lifeskills Programme
Remote learning 2021-22 Spring 2
In each subject, there is all the work for the half term. Depending on when you are absent, you will need to find which lesson you completed last in class, then carry on from there. Everything you need is on the website.
On Edshed, there are your spellings for the week.
Don't forget there is also MyOn for your reading and TT Rockstars for your maths as well!
Archived Home Learning 2020 - 2021
Health and Wellbeing
If you find yourself in isolation we have 14 days of physical activity activities planned. All you need to do is download the document above.
We're here to help
Please let us know if you need help accessing any of the online content - homelearning@sparkenhill.com
2019 - 20 Weekly Home Learning
Archived Class Pages 2019-20
Archived Class Pages 2018-19
Our UKS2 Curriculum
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