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Green 4 - Miss Edwards' Class

Welcome to Green 4


In Green 4 we aim to further our learning by having exciting experiences, high expectations and a creative environment. We also continue to develop our independence and take on more responsibilities around the school. Wherever possible we make links between subjects and this gives us a chance to apply our learning to new situations.

Class of 2019/20

Things to Remember:

Day Items to Remember

Reading Book & Diary


PE kit for the week ahead.

Tuesday Reading Book & Diary

Reading Book & Diary


Thursday Reading Book & Diary

Reading Book & Diary

Times Table & spelling Tests

Swimming Kit (When told by Mrs Paton)


  • Please sign your child’s diary daily to show that an adult has read with them.


  • Regular practice of Spellings will help the children with their weekly test on a Friday. The relevant set of tables your child is working on will be sent home.


  • Regular practice of times tables will help the children with their weekly test on a Friday. The relevant set of tables your child is working on will be sent home.


  • PE Kit: Children have been given a school t-shirt and shorts. From home, please bring trainers, a jumper and joggers. If your child brings home their t-shirt and shorts. Please wash them and return to school as soon as possible. Bring PE kit on a Monday and leave this in school until Friday.


  • Please make sure that all school uniform and PE kit is clearly labelled.


  • Please let the school and your child’s teacher know if your child has any condition requiring medication, including allergies or asthma.


  • Please remind your child to bring a coat every day in the winter months.
