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Yellow 5 - Mrs Spencer & Mrs Willsmore

Welcome to Yellow 5


Welcome to our class page. Please use the links below to find out what we have been learning and photos of our work.


Things to know


  • PE lessons are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays . Please ensure your child wears their school PE kit and removes all jewellery. This includes appropriate footwear and black tracksuit bottoms/shorts.
  • Homework books will be given out on a Friday which is a choice menu.  These will need to be returned by the following Friday.
  • Reading diaries are provided and we request that parents and pupils work together to keep a log of reading at home. Children need to be reading as regularly as possible, ideally at least 3 times a week.
  • Children who are in a phonics group will be given books in line with their phonic phase.
  • Each child is regularly tested on their comprehension skills and is then allocated a number band to choose from.  They can then complete quizzes on Accelerated Reader  after finishing a book.
  • Please provide your child with a water bottle each day. They can also bring a healthy snack to eat at break times although KS1 have fruit available daily.
  • We encourage weekly spelling and times table practice at home to support assessments. Spellings are sent out every Monday, in line with the phonic phase your child is on and tested each Monday.  Children can practice these on EDSHED.  Times Table tests will be done every Friday and children can use Times Tables Rock stars to support this.


