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Foundation Subjects



In Green 2 we kicked off our new history topic ‘Ancient Maya’ we first have looked at when and where the Maya Civilisation began. We visited the schools world history timeline and then we constructed our own timeline of significant Ancient Maya dates! The Maya Civilisation lasted for over 12,000 years so we are just covering the ‘classic period’. Over the term we will be looking at what the Maya invented, their daily life, looking at artefacts, all in order to answer our enquiry question ‘Why were the Ancient Maya successful’ 



A fine example of our 2nd lesson where we looked at the Maya successes. It was so interesting to see what they invented using natural resources and how this then helped to grow their civilisation!

Using artefacts to extract and interpret information. The class were sent a brief from a team of archaeologists in South America they had to uncover what the artefacts were, who used them, where they might have been found, what were they made out of? And many more questions that allowed the children to draw back on their prior knowledge and own historical interpretation. We also placed the artefacts on our Maya class timeline. Extremely impressed with their behaviour when looking at the artefacts, and the conversations they were having in teams.

In the last of our amazing ‘Ancient Maya’ history topic... we looked at the main reasons why archaeologists/historians believed the Ancient Maya Civilisation fell. We revisited our timeline to look at when the Spanish invaded and what an impact they had on the Maya people and culture. We looked at our class map of Central America and looked at the ruins that remain in the once great Maya cities, like Tikal & Chichen Itza


Most rainforests are structured in four distinct layers: emergent, canopy, understory, and forest floor. Each layer has unique characteristics based on how much water, sunlight and air circulation it experiences. Although the animal and plant species differ in each layer, they are all dependent on each other and influence each other every day. We created our own diagram and descriptions to each part of the rainforest.

We used data to explore the climate of the rainforest; looking at the rainfall and temperatures of a tropical rainforest over one year. We also worked on one of our key words - climate... the weather of a place or country over a longer period of time!

We located the Amazon Rainforest, discussed what the word biome means, the different biomes we have in our world & then focussed on what biome we are studying - ‘Rainforests’


This terms PE sessions with Mrs P is Hockey, you can see the children starting to develop their skills 🏑

Our 2nd PE session is Football ⚽️ In week 1 we practiced dribbling skills.

Week 1 of swimming and we already have a group of 5m & 10m awards!

Week 2 - Super Swimmers 🏊🏼‍♀️ 🏊‍♂️

Week 5 - Super Swimmers

Week 6 - Swimming & Water Skills Achievements ⭐️



We have explored colour palettes creating a colour wheel of primary & secondary colours to find the tones & shades we can use to mirror the style of our focus artist ‘John Dyer’.

We have been looking further at John Dyer’s rainforest art. This week we have been exploring different brush techniques and looking at the different colour palettes he uses to make such vibrant artwork. Here are some of Green 2’s sketchbooks what will show their build up of skills.

This week we looked at how to draw rainforest animals and how to shade light and dark with watercolours

A little look at some of our self portraits 🖼️

Design Technology

Following on from our trip to ‘Cadbury World’ we decided to leave DT till Autumn 2. We will be designing and creating our very own chocolate bar, even with our own wrapper! Before we start the design process it is important for us to do our own market research. We have looked at the most successful chocolate companies and their most successful chocolate products. Even better we got to taste test this week! 

Queen Elizabeth II

Sadly on the 8th September 2022 we lost our beloved, loyal and longest serving monarch, Queen Elizabeth. In Green 2 we celebrated the life of the Queen looking at her roles, what she did for the country and her commonwealth, charity work, her children and their roles. And looked at the history of royal funerals. We created our own timeline of her life and we even got to write our own special message of condolence that was laid in memorial with the rest of the schools messages in a card outside Buckingham Palace in Green Park. 


In this lesson we looked at how we can be a good friend and respect each other. It was all about sharing our ideas and thoughts, it was great to hear the children’s views and reasons.


This term we have been looking at Hinduism, we created our own shrine, looked at the celebration of Diwali and recreated the story of Rama & Sita to name just a few of our sessions! 

Diwali 🪔 Celebrations 🎆
