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Week Beginning 11th January 2021 Lockdown Week 2

Welcome to Year 4's Home Learning!

If your child is shielding, isolating or cannot be in school, please use these home learning pages to support them in keeping up with the learning they are missing. 



Weekly spellings are available on Spelling Shed - Login details should have been given to you by your child's class teacher. Spellings have an assignment and lots of games. If you need a reminder please contact them via Class Dojo or contact


Home Reading


Choose a book from home, use the AR Book Finder link below to check the ZPD is in your range. Try to read for 15 minutes per day. When you've finished your book, you can then quiz on this book using the AR website. The link is below. If you are struggling to find a book at home, there is a selection of books on the Active Learn site for you to read at your level. 


Welcome to Week Two of 'Stone Age Boy'.  Click here to access the text.


Re-watch the video using the link above.  In this lesson you will be writing expanded noun phrases to describe the characters and settings from the Stone Age Boy story.  


Watch the quick video that shows you how to complete the sheet and explains what expanded noun phrases are.  Use the worksheet (Resource 1) to complete your work.  Once you have written some sentences, think of your own based on the people, settings and objects from the story.


This is "ENP" by Sparken Hill Academy on Vimeo.


Re-watch the video (if needed) from the link above and really think about the characters in the story.


THINK: What do they look like? What are they like as people? How might they be feeling?  What are they doing?  How would they react to each other and their new situation? 


Watch the video for today and think about how you might use the strip of conjunctions in your writing.  Think about making the correct choice of conjunction for your sentence.  Make sure you ask an adult to help you select the right ones if you are struggling to work out which is the correct conjunction for that sentence.


Once you have watched the video, go on to complete your work (Resource 2), using the describing words and conjunctions.


This is "Conjunctions" by Sparken Hill Academy on Vimeo.


Re-watch the video (if needed) from the link above and really think about all the people, objects and settings in the pictures and story.


THINK: What can you see?  What do they look like?  How might they smell?  How might they feel?  What might you hear?


Watch the video for today and look at the two boxes at the bottom of today's sheet


1.  Choose to make a list of things that you might find in the pictures to create a list:

The camp was full of people busily drying fish, roasting fish and making tools.


2. Choose to make a list of adjectives to describe a noun to create your list:

The fish, that were drying on the rack, were small, silver and tasty.


Once you have watched the video, go on to complete your work using Resource 3.

Commas in a list

This is "Commas in a list" by Sparken Hill Academy on Vimeo.


Re-watch the video (if needed) from the link above and really think about the story.


THINK: What skills have you learned so far?  How can improve the beginning of your sentences using the grid of sentence starters? Make sure that you don't begin with 'The' and 'A'.


Watch the video for today and use the grid to help you start your sentences in the most interesting way possible.  Remember to use commas to take a breath in your sentences and straight after a frontal adverb (number 4 on your grid/-ly words).


Complete your sentences (Resource 4) and REMEMBER to up-level your sentences using adjectives and adverbs.  Think about how you might try and use some conjunctions in your work.  Could you incorporate a list with commas?


This is "Adverbials" by Sparken Hill Academy on Vimeo.


Re-watch the video (if needed) from the link above.


THINK: What would things smell like?  What scents might you smell?  What might be heard?  What can be seen?  How are the characters feeling?


Watch the video for today and use your grid to think about the sights/sounds/smells/feeling.  Use a variety of nouns and adjectives and put these into your grid:  Crackling fire, stale meat, musty animal skins, bright red and orange fire etc. 


Once you have watched the video, go on to complete your work (Resource 5), using the descriptive language you have just popped into your grid.  Be sure to up-level (make better) your sentences.

Setting Description

This is "Setting Description" by Sparken Hill Academy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


This week in Maths we will start by re-capping our knowledge of written methods of subtraction, before moving on to written methods of multiplication. 


Please note that all of the activity sheets contain 3 different levels of challenge. Pupils and parents/carers can choose the level that suits and challenges you best. You might choose one column each day, or a few from each, the choice is yours!


Monday - Column Method Subtraction


This lesson pupils will be practicing the written method of column subtraction.


Monday - Column Subtraction

Tuesday - Column Subtraction

Wednesday - Written Methods of Multiplication


For the next 3 lessons, pupils will learn and practice written methods of multiplication. As always, there are 3 levels of challenge, so please support children in selection the one that suits them best and offers a good level of challenge. 


There are 3 different methods we are learning about, depending of the level of difficulty. Theses are repeated addition (2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 to solve 4 x 2), grid method multiplication and long multiplication. 

Wednesday Written Methods of Multiplication

Thursday - Written Methods of Multiplication continued

Friday - Solving Word Problems using Written Methods of Multiplication


This week we would like you to understand the different types of rocks and their properties. We have a PowerPoint presentation to work through. A quiz at the end of it to test your knowledge and understanding and then a worksheet to complete.

Task (Worksheet): Choose a rock for each box, create a detailed sketch of your chosen rock, annotate your drawing with features and write a sentence or two beneath each drawing about the type of rock it is. There are six to do.



This week we are all looking how the Stone age people lived and the effects on their civilisation . There is a PowerPoint presentation to work through. We would like you to create a fact file based on life in stone age times. We have included some fact sheets and images to help your creation.


We know active, healthy children achieve more, that is why PE and School Sport is such a focus at Sparken Hill Academy. To support home learning we have subscribed to Real PE at home.

Each pupil in school will have access to this fantastic resource. Who will be the most active year group during lockdown? Please see the attachment for the joining instructions. It also includes a link to a video explaining how to use the platform.


You can also access some fantastic home orienteering resources with Mrs Paton. Watch the video and download the resources to support your lesson.

Real PE at home log in details and timetable

Guidance for Families

Funny Face Cards (Print before the lesson)

Spring 1 Wk2 Funny Faces (Orienteering)

Do this fun lesson at home using simple things you can find around the house. Don't forget to send in your photos or videos on Class Dojo so I can see the amazing things you are doing. See you all next week.
Mrs Paton.

Music with Mr Thornton

Playing and Practising Rhythms 01

Join in with all the Rhythm games. They get a little harder each time.

Focusing on the work of Vincent Van Gogh. Look at the style and techniques of Van Gogh's work. Look at slide 3 of the PowerPoint "Starry Night" - Moon and Stars. Follow the step by step guide within the PowerPoint to recreate your own Moon and stars (Only-No background needed). Try it with crayon, pastel, chalk, paint etc.
Guided Reading
Read through the text and then answer the questions. Remember to write in sentences.
Look at the role undertaken by a police officer using the PowerPoint and complete the activity below (See resources below).